next step in rendering

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New Member
alright lads
Can someone give me a brief guide to using thin coat render products and explain to me what k-rendering is?

this site has made me realize how little i know about rendering. i thought it was just sand cement and lime job done
im comfortable doing it the old fashion way but if these products are better ive got to start using them.
my main questions are

do these products last longer than sand cement render?
do you have to pay much attention to the weather eg heat/frost?
can you get a better finish?
do you need training in using these products or can you just suss it from your experience in s/c rendering?
if so what products would be best to start with?

cheers guys, you never stop learning!
k-rend(er) is a product manufactured by kilwaughter chemicals or more accurately a range of products, all of them modern pre-bagged (just add water) materials designed to reduce the problems associated with traditional methods
theyre not the only manufacturer of said products, its a bit like calling a vacuum cleaner a 'hoover'...

a lot of them have been designed to be machine applied or hand applied, the technique is slightly different, you will need training or at the very least spend a day or 2 working with someone who uses them regularly..

as for information in text form, theres a search option on the forum, all of these products have been discussed in depth at several (more than several) times and there is more than enough information already contained within the forum server to get you up to the speed where you'll be asking not how or why but when...

go for it mate, fill yer boots... ;)
cheers chris will do a search and look into it prefer rendering to plastering so will do my research.

dont know any plasterers in my area who use the stuff so nobody can show me, derbys 30 years behind the rest of the world anyway.
will have a go on my nans garden wall or something
good enough, give it a shot, when you order the material tell the rep what your background is and theyll give you a spec for material and some advice, when youve done it come and post the results up as a pic and the lads that do it day in day out will give you some tips that will be worth their weight in gold... ;)
better still, post up the background and the product you intend to use and the lads will tell you what specialist tools you might need, where the best and cheapest place is to get em and a few tips to get you going...
rob a nice way to start to see the difference between modern bagged renders and s&c is to get hold of some cpi general purpose render. Using this stuff which is facotry mixed and blended gives you an idea of how much more user friendly and nice the bagged stuff is to work with in general. Once you float up with cpi you will be all over the bagged stuff i guarantee. A stepping stone from what your used to and the more advanced renders higher up the performance/price order. cpi deliver direct by the pallet for about £3.50 a bag. The more advanced and modified renders are up at £6 ish and above
if the stuffs mixed properly and gauged properly normal sand and cement is just as good imo
just a cheap way of getting into the bagged thing whilst still being familiar with the process of s&c so as not to get too confused to start with
sorry you are confusing me darren what did you do for a living before you became a spread 6 years ago
yes to all the Questions. you will find most of your answers by searching old the end of the day render is render ie, sh1te from the ground going on the wall just the modern renders have nice things in them, so there is no magic product you still need to work at it but as most will tell you the final results are better.
grand wizard said:
if the stuffs mixed properly and gauged properly normal sand and cement is just as good imo
very true, the sand and lime premix we use to use in skips was a breeze to use
grand wizard said:
sorry you are confusing me darren what did you do for a living before you became a spread 6 years ago

it's ok grand, some people are just more easily confused than others i guess ;)
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