New trowels

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When can you tell when you need a new trowel like i have been using mine now for about 4 years and i use the same trowel for everything met a old time spread t'other day and he had a trowel for roughing up one for laying on and on for troweling wats the crack guys???
youll know when you need a new one mate..
best to have two.. one for using and one for breaking in.. rough up with the newer one then if your rivets go on your main youve got one ready to use..
youve only got to catch the labourer scraping the floor with it and it'll be bent all out of shape.. soon as you try and flatten anything youll realise its bolloxed... ;D
some people do have a trowel for every job but i cant see the point myself.. once i get used to a trowel its like ive grown a blade on my arm..
keep hold of your old ones if theyre not too knackered cos they do make good scrapers in tight spots... ;D
If you saw my reply on the levels post well I'm just as bad with trowels, just don't know how anyone uses one trowel for all the different aspects of our trade. I even still carry a none stainless trowel, they work so differently to stainless trowels and are really handy at times.
13" stainless tyzak for skimming 13" stainless MT newish for roughin plus i got loads of othere 11s 14s 18 an a 20 which never get used
i just got 2 new trowels.. one 14" marsh gold prem and agaist all advice i went for a 18" prem gold marsh just had to bu it.. was in my head now its in my hand..will use it next week!
I know a good chiroprator when ur wrists and elbow are dropping off just email me for details if you can still type after 2 days of using it LOL.
There ok for squaring up Big ceilings and maybe first polish.But hard work mate.
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