New to the game (cscs)

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New Member
Hi i am new to plastering i recently did a weekend course
which covered everything.
But someone has told me i need a cscs card for work??
Is this for all work or just new builds?
I am hoping to just get the easy domestic work & make money that way.
Damn. I went to college for years and really all I had to do was go to these plastering gods who will teach you everything in a weekend, and I could be earning £2343522 a week on easy domestics!!!!!!

Seriously though, you say "easy domestics" but I bet that you'll run in to problems that they didn't teach you on the weekend. I hope the plastering oracle on the course has a help line.

And yes, you do need your CSCS card.
I would get a couple of years under your belt first with a proper plasterer and then try out in the real world yourself. the problem with this industry is all these fooking courses saying become a plasterer in one week???? no wonder people think its a nothing easy job and hence they dont wanna pay any sort of decent money for a good job. there is alot to learn and it takes years you constantly develope as a plasterer because it is an art form, a craft trade not something you can do in a week. tell em to stick their fookin weekend course and go and get a job with a jobbing firm aand they will show you the ropes.

fooking weekend course jesus. whats this country coming to.
Look guys sorry if i've upset anyone.
But i just want to make a decent living like everyone else.
I thought forums are for sharing information & advice.
tell you what mate, why don't you pm Nisus and ask to work with him for a few months - he's only up the road from you in yam yam land ;)
yam yam land lol Ahmed, Come up to Glasgow and i'll show you the ropes. The ropes attached to the lifebouy on the river clyde lol
i'll admit i did a short course many years ago. got in with someone for 3 years then did it alone. it's deffo not "easy"
best of luck to you.
hello mate ive been plastering for about 8/9 months now after doing a short course and then doin a few rooms in my house , doin work now for people and growing in confidence. was told that its really hard blah blah but i reckon most things are before you learn from your own mistakes stick at it mate you'll be ok
for every good spread theres 20 absolutely f**k**g s**t ones ..........the world of consumers is full of mugs
u aint upset anyone. its the people running weekend courses, i mean scams that damage the industry that are upsetting people.
u aint upset anyone. its the people running weekend courses, i mean scams that damage the industry that are upsetting people.

Too true. I opened the home services page of my local rag today and there was no fewer than 4 plasterers advertising with mobile only. I'd never heard of any of them but there is a school nearby, churning out spreads every other week! It's killing my work because these guys are pricing well below the going rate!!!
think you gotta blame the cnuts who are running these courses and coining it proper - I can't really blame the lads who do the courses, they get sucked in thinking they can become plasterers really quickly, when obviously they can't.

Their works shite anyway, so don't worry.

Anyway I still don't believe this Ahmed geezer's for real. It probably aint nisus - sorry bout that mate. There's no way someone would come on here moaning about working in a corner shop and going to the cash and carry - that's bollox. Whoever it is, give it a rest and try adn think of something actually funny. This aint the 1970s anymore people - Bernard Manning's brown bread and Jim Davidson't a c**t.
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gotta give some credit to Nisus, he would of done a better job ;)

Asian geezer moaning about a cornershop job at his old mans, going to cash and carry, banging on about a wkend course, a ragni trowel FFS
Asian geezer moaning about a cornershop job at his old mans, going to cash and carry, banging on about a wkend course, a ragni trowel FFS

whoever he was he never came back. Lots of them do have shops though and the Asian builders round here do, shall we say, tend
to use tools from the lower end of the market (no pun intended )
well whoever it is, they're trolling this forum and I can't help thinking it'll fcuk things up. That's what trolls do on the internet - turn people against one another. I don't really want to see this happening. I like this place and I don't want to see it go to the dogs.
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