New to plastering in Glasgow

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New Member

completed a 1 week course a couple of weeks ago

Enjoyed it and thought that i picked it up really well.

plastered my first wall last weekend and was pleased with the overall result, the wall is very smooth with just a couple of rough parts

i would appreciate any advice

this is the process that i followed

1) pva-ed the wall with 1 part pva 5 parts water (ish)
2) waited till the pva set in (bout 15 mins)
3) mixed up my plaster , used a bit much and a bit of plaster went to waste, felt i had a good mix
4) applied first coat, working from top left, trowling down to middle of wall across to the right then from left bottom corner up to middle , working to the right
5)applied 2nd coat
6)cleaned up
7) started to dry rub but was dragging the plaster as it was drying, brushed with water
6)waited 5- 10 mins
7)wet rub
8) polish
10) polish

as i said i was pleased with the overall result but with a few bits that could be done better but will learn.

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any advice would be great , especially with the mix , any tips on a guide for what I'm looking for so i dint waste too much plaster?

also I'm looking for any plasterer in Glasgow that works weekends would allow me to come out for a bit of experience?

Welcome to the forum mate, not a bad looking wall for first time in. Send Casper a pm, he's in Glasgae.
Oh by the way - left or right?
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