New lime pointing to look older

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New Member
Any ideas how to age/look older newly pointed lime work ,used yellow course sand and hydrolic lime
customer thinks it looks to new ?
heard of spreading cow s!!! Over it but not sure they wed appreciate it
Cheers fer now
How did you finish it?i method I like to use is called beating,fill your joints up and use a stiff churn brush and 'beat' the mortar flush with the bricks or stone,finally a quick once over with a soft brush,this method looks quite rustic and slightly weathered it brings out the aggregate.bagging is another method similar to this but beating is my preferred for a slightly aged look. Aside from this I don't know how you could artificially age the mortar but someone else may know:RpS_thumbup:
Some finish with a wire brush,the heritage don't like weathered pointing ,it's about the timing when you hit it ,
the sand is very important ,it has to be just right,
try plain yoghurt watered down a bit , apparently it helps the ageing process , probably bring moss and other green properties too :RpS_biggrin:
soot mixed with water brushed onto the joints will darken it slightly. I have also been known to save the mortar from raking out crush it and put a little bit in each mix
Liquid weather works well the soot trick dosent last but gets you paid the trick with this work is to do some small test panels with different mixes, sand etc till you get the one the client wants a tiny bit of brown dye often does the trick finishing is all in the timing of the brushing.
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