New Job

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Start my new job in january teaching in a college, went for the interview and originally it was just one day a week part time, went back for second interview and got offered a full time permanent job, good money, car allowance, fuel allowance, 6 weeks holidays. get in no more little hitlers on site!!!!! Shift+R improves the quality of this image. Shift+A improves the quality of all images on this page.
bast**d haha well in mate what sort of requirements do you need to do something like that??
well done ck, use too do the odd day teaching myself bout 10 yrs ago , just 1 thing tho buy a stab jacket lol
Is it as simple as that mate, I thought Uclan were involved, ie having relevant gcses from earlier education. I only ask because I did a inductery teaching course , leading on to two years of cert ed training, but sacked it off as I tossed it off at school , leaving with low grades.
Is it as simple as that mate, I thought Uclan were involved, ie having relevant gcses from earlier education. I only ask because I did a inductery teaching course , leading on to two years of cert ed training, but sacked it off as I tossed it off at school , leaving with low grades.

Its the uclan module im doin, you need level 3 in your subject and you need maths and english c or above which i have not got BUT as long as you get it before the course finishes you fine. I only started college in september and im just finshin the pttlls part but as long as your workin towards a cert ed you can get work, they're putting me in for my assessors award aswell what i was gonna do but now its FREEEEEE.
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