New house external plaster cracking & hollow

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New Member
Hi..I am not a plasterer, but I am a desperate home owner who is close to a mental asylum for the following reason. My plasterer plastered the back wall of my house, but it went off due to not having enough men. He chipped it off and replastered, this time it had lots if small chacks which were hollow behind. He chipped it off again and re-skudded and replastered again but again many tiny hollow cracks.
Can anyone please help, what do I need to do here???????. :'(
What do you need to do? I'd suggest getting another plasterer in for a start..When you say the back wall what do you mean by that ie how big is it exactly?you say there weren't enough men so it went off before he could trowel it up, I'm guessing it's pretty darn big.Still a good plasterer should be able to tackle a big wall on his own and make a decent job of it. Get another plasterer in to have a look at it, most will quote for free ;)
Thanks for the reply, the wall is 46' wide and 1.5 storey high. My worry though is if I chip it all off for a 4th time and get someone else to plaster will crack again. The last time he did it he had 5 men?????.
he didnt speak with an irish accent did he???

Yeah get another spread to have a look, dont chip it off till they been round to look.

Mind you its not the best time off year to be doing external plastering

im irish decent????????????lol my arse, and i think youll find this will be a newby who stretched himself to far its alright doing a bit of dotting and dabbing after a week long course but when it comes to rendering something of this size best leave it to the lads who know what there doing
lol didnt mean to :-X

Quite agree, though just hope they didnt pay for the job

I take it the back wall he rendered to was old bricks ? iuf so do the following.

5:1:1 washed sand (quality one):ordinary portland cement: hydrated lime for the scratch coat, use external waterproofer in the mix to kill the suction.
same mix without the waterproofer for the top coat, 1 plasterer & labourer should get around 20-30m2 on with this. If the wall is large and has no natural breaks (like an external angle etc) put an expansion joint in the wall with a back to back stainless steel stop bead.

As said before tho sounds like your guy hasnt much render experience :/
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