New Career

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Hi all, Im 24 from Bristol and have decided to get my arse in gear and get a trade. I've done alot of labouring work for different trades but am starting to see the importance of having a skill/trade. I know i will not be able to make alot of money quickly and at the moment that is not what want ;) I expect to be training for 3-4 years untill i can call myself a qualified plasterer.

I have never done Plasterering before and have signed up for this course in September but it is going to be 2 days a week 9-4 for a year instead of everyday for 22 weeks. Once i have done this course i plan to find employment as a labourer with a plasterering company and aim to achieve a level 3 qualifications in the trade.

My question, Is there alot of work for full time plasterers in the UK. what payrate an hour should i be looking at in a years time once i have completed this level 2 dipolma? 150 pound a week would suit me. Im not looking for mega money i just want to be qualified. How much does an average plasterer earn a year? I relise that your answers may not be based on fact but if you could answer to the best of your knowledge that would be great.

well your goin the right way about it and i wouldnt worry about wages just yet they can differ from £50 a day upto £300 a day depending how good and fast you are and if your workin for someone else or yourself.
The level 2 diploma will give you a very wide range of skills, board and skim ceiling, float & set walls, dot & dab, rendering, floor screeding and how to run a reverse mould, cast cornice and fix it. You really need to to gen up on your H&S as this is a very big part of the course if you intend going straight on to the level 2. You will need to know all the regulations and have a basic understanding of them for a good start. Good luck and hope it works out right for you. As for the money at first you will still need to work towards your NVQ 2 so if things work out for you £150 a week is about right but at the end of teh day you'll get paid what you earn when you get a decent employer.
Good to see you have a plan set out... stick to it mate!

I wish I went that route

Good luck

be prepared to travel a lot if you need or wish to make a good living at this trade... i have been all around the world and have had a ball... go for it boy...
Thanks for all the positive feed back guys. I have another question. Once i have completed my Diploma level 2 the next step is to get a level 2 NVQ.. is that correct? Is this all site assessed work? and is plastering being affected in the same way as plumbing and electrical enginnering is atm where they are getting rid of all the NVQ's?? what will there be to do instead?

NVQ's aren't going nowhere mate, the difference being is that the diploma is a taught qual while NVQ's should be an assessment of the work you have done on a job/s. The diploma is not recognised by Cskills to get your CSCS card so after the Dip you need to be heading towards your NVQ. Hope this helps.
The Apprentice said:
NVQ's aren't going nowhere mate, the difference being is that the diploma is a taught qual while NVQ's should be an assessment of the work you have done on a job/s. The diploma is not recognised by Cskills to get your CSCS card so after the Dip you need to be heading towards your NVQ. Hope this helps.

So what CSCS card should i be getting for the first few years whilst i am learning my Diploma and maybe working 1-2 days here and there on site? Should i get just a general labouring CSCS card?
You will have to get a labouring card to start with,I believe they will only issue a trainees card if you are registered for your NVQ. Might be a good idea to give them a bell but not all sites require a cscs card yet but it will open up sites for you that do.
cards and nv what its are nice to have and get them if u can but from what i have seen over the years the wont save u on anew site if u cant do the job well so work on the plastering and dont worrey to much about the cards i have been working twenty five years without any and made alot of money its not to good at the moment but it will come back round again
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