Never been so nervous

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I had a ceiling to skim and a reveal to repair and patch in.

The guy is a perfectionist, its the cleanest I have ever left a job but I dont think he is gonna be happy. He didnt like the idea of the possibilty of mixing some filler up to get the perfect results.... He is back from holiday tomorrow... he live 2 doors down from me. Will I sleep tonight??

that wot get me..people want the best but the feel they are being ripped off if they have 2 do a lil bit of prep after youve been in!

misscoat..go around with the filling knife and hit the bits that show..very soft quick rubb down

then ur 2 coats of coluor is what i tell them...9/10 they just stick 2 full coats of posh paint on in one sunday mornin..

i did u job for this fussy guy..a full house skim..was very fussy..luckly there was no light in the house when i did the job..i used my own lights that took home every night just 2 help him picking holes..

he was megga fussy he said he wanted 2 paint all the walls in silk..! i said that will show any thing up..he said they shouldt be any thing bad 2 look at?

few weeks have passed and i was in his street on a sunday around 8pm and he was workin in the house still..maybe paintin ..i looked in the mirror and i could see him trying 2 flag me down..i just blaintenly drove on!
i did a snag list with filler already for the fussy man..just things like a bit of scrim showing ect..

i did a good job no dout but some people just want every penny outa ya.
To be honest lads you shouldnt need to be doin any fillin once youve had a plasterer in................. if your leavin slacks and tape showin theres the problem so maybe offer to call back and put right any problems, silk paint on fresh plaster is a no no, a mist coat with emulsion first.
flynnyman said:
To be honest lads you shouldnt need to be doin any fillin once youve had a plasterer in................. if your leavin slacks and tape showin theres the problem so maybe offer to call back and put right any problems, silk paint on fresh plaster is a no no, a mist coat with emulsion first.

Your dead right with domestic work is should be left ready to paint no fillilng
Bang on Flinny , only time client should have to get filla out is when other trades have been in knockin chunks outa ya work while they 2nd fixing the T***s :eek:
im not talkin about much fillin..sorta perfect look..

u could paint it and no 1 would ever say a word..but cuz i do decoration alot to i have an eye for small bits here and there ..

and no one has a perfect finish ..can allways find sumit to rub or fill on any 1s work..just depends on the standerd reali..
were only as good as our last job! ........perfectionists are nightmares even if it is perfect a light will show slight imperfections which i reckon is might get lucky mate he might just be a fussy arse for his own sake
unreal.filler an customers having to do prep work when spreads finished.must be a joke this ?mmm but then theirs plasterers an plasterers.never heard a proffesional come out with that shat,must have one hell of a rep,my lads been at the game since early summer if he came out with statments like that think id be telling him to look for new job.shelf stackin or something any good spreads round your way have nothin to fear if thats your approach,perfection comes as standard not optional.
never said i NEED filler..all the plastering iv seen over the country in allways good but never perfect and u can never tell that until its had a miss coat! yea miscoat..u must never see it after paint..there is allways a need 4 the ODD dab of filler if u want a perfect finish..
anybody who thinks there work dont need touchin up now an again needs to get there heads from up there arses jmo!
HI every1 , my opinion on this is nobody is perfect, it depends on the way the light is hitting it.

sometimes things look better in artificial light and other times things look better in natural light depending on the weather, everyone knows how rendering looks on a gable wall with bright sunlight shining across it :eek: in many ways its the same with interior work on a bright day or brightly lite room.
Me and chunkyboy do work for a local bathroom fitter and boy is he fussy. I agree though, miss coat shows up things you dont always see when your finished trowelling.

Maybe some people should go back and have a look after the miss coat is applied!! :-*
its called a mist coat its not there to show up bad work but it helps its so the paint dont peel on the plaster thats why they water it down
All work should be left perfect but its not made in factory by a machine so perfection cant be met all the time but, " He didnt like the idea of the possibilty of mixing some filler up to get the perfect results...." or "i did a snag list with filler already for the fussy man..just things like a bit of scrim showing ect.." lol come off it.
"i did a good job no dout but some people just want every penny outa ya." lol no some people want what they paid for and im not havin a dig but honestly would you accept this from any other trade?
slippy its either right or wrong when it comes to plastering, the walls are flat or not, beads are plumb or not, margins are right or not, ceiling is flat or not you get the picture. I agree some customers expect miracles but if its explained in the quote that, lets say the margins wont be the same coz the windows out or there will be a dip in the ceiling coz a joist has dropped if you leave it till its done they will complain either because they are smart arses or genuinly didnt know and you cant start explainin then because its done.
plastering is the last chance saloon before the painter arrives and sometimes you are compensating for bad workmanship of 2 or 3 trades that have came before you, so sometimes it is nearly impossible to acheive perfection.
when i say scrim showin it was more 2 bits of scrim shadowing in 1 high spot that would be painted over easy..

only filled 3 high spots of artex that showed threw after skimin..they scraped the ceiling not me..

and a mist coat is all about givein u a good base 2 work off aswell and show up any imperfections..

yea some big heads should go back to there "perfect" work after paintin with a spot light to hand..that's the sorta stuff i only fill..I'm not talking about holes...just the odd miss were u dint see in the bad light ect.
i suppose a perfect job can be done,but the question is price,every thing done to a spec before and after the spread,no twist in the studs,no drops in the joists,no bows in the blockwork,ive never seen that,has anyone?domestics even worse imo,yes you try an make the best job you can,but blasting someone for a bit of fillings a bit rough though,but i agree with flinn if you see a prob let the customer know,if its going to cost extra tell them then its up to the depth of there pocket,top finnish=top dolla.jmo
spot on worked for ocl in colchester they had a tape + jointer going round with a light shining it up this spreads work and putting a pencil mark on any bits he thought needed filling they made a good job look bad it werent plastered in that light so it shouldnt be snagged in those conditions the taper was making work for himself he even put a circle round a small spider in the corner :D
on a side note when i was a kid the old spreads said a coat of bonding was needed on plasterboard as two coats of scim wouldnt straighten any thing so we are all a bit rough nowadays.
if you wanna take it further in the old days walls were squared off ceilings using dots then the screed off the walls using dots to get everything square
yes mate your on the ball,have standards slipped,i think so used to be craftsmen now just tradesmen!
gmw said:
on a side note when i was a kid the old spreads said a coat of bonding was needed on plasterboard as two coats of scim wouldnt straighten any thing so we are all a bit rough nowadays.

Wouldn't have a problem with that if the money was right ;D
FILLA ISA KILLA (on this site)..least we got to the end of that in one piece ..

as yea u are rite its all about price!
anyone want a book for plastering practices get plastering encylopeadia by pegg and stagg
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