napp finish

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I have always finished my render with a sponge but I have a house on and the customer wants a napp finish, any tips and do you change to mix compared to sponge finish.
they do a lot of that in spain they use a sponge roller with a pattern cut into it and gently roll over wet render but they normally do it on monocouche patter is smooth but reppetitive looks great with a colour wash over it
I remember hearing something about 'napping' before I left Ireland. It
was something to do with the final float/trowel being used to bring the
moisture back to the surface
irish_spread said:
I remember hearing something about 'napping' before I left Ireland. It
was something to do with the final float/trowel being used to bring the
moisture back to the surface
oh diddnt realise you were form ireland m8
I thought the napp finish was done with a float on sand and cement when it was to wet to finish with a sponge , then you just run a trowel over the high spots ?
Hi Kev,Im from Dublin ,I know what your talking about.Its done with a spongefloat,you float up as normal and let it pull right in,then you bring it back to life by splashing with water using your stock brush and float again with spongefloat to bring it alive,when this is done you tap your sponge float on the surface to create the napp.The secret is that it is a nipple,not a stipple that you are looking for ,any probs call me im in finglas 0876187990
Only down the road,and you also need to add some extra lime to that mix,it helps to bring it back to life when you hit it with water and the spongefloat.
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