My phone hasn't rang for about a week now

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s.p.t plastering

Active Member
Last job was about a week ago.....been busy since january till about a week ago aswell....Hate it when the phone don't ring, thought it would of been busy with summer comeing up.

Got a house on site we can tack tomorrow, but it's crap rates, and you have to supply your own screws, and i hate tacking..Hahaha

Hope it picks up soon..
Private work for me a bit slow in Plymouth (Don't know how Rich Brown is getting on with private) But Subbing has gone mad, not enough hours in the day. hope it picks up for you mate. ;)
jord218 said:
Private work for me a bit slow in Plymouth (Don't know how Rich Brown is getting on with private) But Subbing has gone mad, not enough hours in the day. hope it picks up for you mate. ;)
ill second that. they want us in 7 days aweek
My phones rung say twice is the last month, quiet as fook! got about 2/3weeks left of work, mainly work from other people though, not private jobs!
plastering wise we are dead. ceiling and 1 wall board and overskim yesterday, board and skim a utility today. tomorrow we're back to digging footings and laying flooring
richardbrown said:
I am flat out ..... busy busy beaver :)

All my work Multi Trade. Got 1 skim job end of next week. Fitting a kitchen in Helston monday. Rich are you busy in Plymouth or outside the city?? Lots of spreads I know are picking up bits and bobs only, there is work out there for them but most think there too good to work for whats on offer (greedy B£sta5ds) :P
Im on my arse!
waiting for a few rendering quotes to come in but theres so many at it round derby these days.
go back to rolls royce you tossers !
s.p.t plastering said:
Last job was about a week ago.....been busy since january till about a week ago aswell....Hate it when the phone don't ring, thought it would of been busy with summer comeing up.

Got a house on site we can tack tomorrow, but it's crap rates, and you have to supply your own screws, and i hate tacking..Hahaha

Hope it picks up soon..
give us your number and i will ring it for u ;)
feast or famine mate,i just got in with two companies(not builders)who will give us none stop work.we got 2 builders and private as well.

a month ago i had no work at all.
s.p.t plastering said:
Last job was about a week ago.....been busy since january till about a week ago aswell....Hate it when the phone don't ring, thought it would of been busy with summer comeing up.

Got a house on site we can tack tomorrow, but it's crap rates, and you have to supply your own screws, and i hate tacking..Hahaha

Hope it picks up soon..

have you chaged the battery recently ???
Bod said:
S.P.T we got a fair bit on at the mo just took on a few spreads i thought you were working for Jason?

Na, my bro done a bit for him..Few bits of dabbing and stuff...Bit of tapeing at bristol airport...Another little job up clifton...And that was all he had....

Iv'e still got a day to 2 days most weeks, a room to skim out or ceiling or something...So still earning, just not very busy....But the phone rings and something comes in most weeks....Just like to be busier..
if it makes u feel anybetter iv just had a call about filling a hole were blue tack took a bit of plaster from the wall. i told um £60 ... they never rang back.. good!
I wouldnt of even entertained the fact they wanted a quote for a blue tac hole would have probably thought it was a wind up and hung up ;D
stevo u got go there "fix" the filler then pop back much later or next day rub down. i coul have been 20 blue tack holes for all i care mim charge £60 gota be done?
polyfilla. hair dryer for 5 minutes. sand it. ive done that before, not for a customer, at home. but it works fine
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