my day out

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New Member
hi guys, woke up late yesterday morning and had an email from a mate saying national homebuilding show was on at nec. but it was too late for me to get there. so headed over to john boddys timber in north yorks to get myself some sweet chesnut for a hall mirror and some oak to make a bed frame. when i payed spyed a free magazine so i grabbed it then reading it in the van on the way home free tickets to the homebuilding and renovting show bargain. so headed down to the nec this morning, was a good day out lafarge made a showing with some info on using effective partitions in rennovations with regards to noise and thermal transmission. british gypsum and knauf were no shows though. another stand i came across was iconic breathable building materials. specilist suppliers of lime mortar, renders puttys etc. they gave me a nice catalogue full of good info. and the final plastering find of the day was orac decor. they make expanded foam mouldings, cornice, cove, lighting troughs corbels etc the product is nice and light and easy to cut and takes a really nice paint finish. so all in all can reccomend the show to anyone thinking of going. drop by selco by the way two free t shirts a nice plastic mug and a tape measure. Result!
im affraid like a lot of people on here, i dont like my job that much to go to things like that, if thats what tickles your pickle then fair enough. monday to friday 8 til half 4 is enough. saturdays at a push. last thing i want on a sunday is stuff reminding me of work ;D
yea i understand what your saying steve but if you choose to do this job you might as well try to enjoy it. you might be doing it for another forty years yet.
i dont dislike the job. and i agree you have to have interest in it or else theres no point in doing it because if your not interested then you wont leave the best possible finish. but if someone asked me to go to a show like that all i could say would be 'why?!'
steve cov said:
im affraid like a lot of people on here, i dont like my job that much to go to things like that, if thats what tickles your pickle then fair enough. monday to friday 8 til half 4 is enough. saturdays at a push. last thing i want on a sunday is stuff reminding me of work ;D
does this forum not remind u of work on a sunday then :P
out of curiousity steve how come you got into plastering? i only did it because me dad made me. which i had gone to uni or something though.
it does mate, but im sat at home, not at some big show walking round looking at stuff. and i can come on here for 2 minutes, and log off again. craig i did plastering because there was nothing else to be perfectly honest. i'd had an interview to go to college to do computer design (i only had that interview because a mate was doing it and i had no other ideas) then my step dad said everyones getting into computers so try something more hands on. he knew the bloke i now work with for years and it just happened they were looking for a labourer as i finished school. my dad was a carpenter and i think now if i could go back i would be a chippy.
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