multi not going off

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New Member
Alright lads first time post. I was skimming over a wall in a school sports hall today 40m. I pva'd the wall yesterday 5:1 then did it again this morning 3:1 left it to go tacky then started skimming. Ive been spreading for 11yrs but never had this problem, the multifinish wouldn't firm up. Ive left some in a gorrilla tub and left it in the van just checked it and its still soft, anybody had this problem before I never have its got me baffled any ideas. I give up after 3 hours and scraped it off and started again it went off as normal weird.
never heard of this lebu, had a few posts recently where its been going like chewing gum, never of it not going off at all though. get hold of the rep, get some quids back! welcome to the forum
sometimes old plaster will do opposite of wat its supposed 2 and not set properly only had it once a long time ago the guy had it in his shed 4 a year i didnt find out til later
about 2yrs ago we were finishing the last set in a house to finish it and we didnt quite have enough so we mixed up a little bit just to finish the last tiny wall and that did not set at all, we even went back the next coz we were gonna sand it but it was still soft
we put a big ceiling on before fo r a builder who supplied the plaster, and that wouldn`t go off, read the date on the bag and it was about 6months out of date!! bloody tight builders!!!
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