multi dried rough in patches????

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New Member
hi guys wonder if anyone can help me,

re skimmed a small boxed in area of my house yesterday, all i did was take off old wall paper that was on it, pva'd the old plaster that i had revealed , re beaded the angle and skim'd i didnt do any of the skimming any different than i've done plenty of times only thing i did different was i mixed this batch by hand with a wooden stick cos i only needed a small amount where as normally i use a drill bit mixer and whipp it up, although i did feel i'd mixed it well with the stick.... it was also a bit on the thick side but went on well enough , could any of this have anything to do with it???? ??? any idea's i'm baffled ???
Platinum have you not read the faq section yet LOL (which isnt going to well is it and b4 you have a go segs I have not contributed to it because I dont like the format and how its being done)

it sound like it wasnt mixed enough you would of two coated with that same mix ( I guess) and maybe even added water to the mix at a later stage (I guess) just out of interest what trowel do you use.
does any of this have anything to do with what, exactly?
and gps, you are the sort of bloke that will sit there and critisise anybody and everybody without ever having the bollox to come and offer some help yourself.. your a waste of space mate.
personally im not frightened of looking a tit if i get it wrong, sometimes i do, sometimes i dont, but at least i make the effort.
Segs I dont see your problem have I ever got personal with you NO so why have you? if you remember I did give my opinion on the faq which you had your say, I will always offer my opinion on certain topics because that is what forums are about opinions and discussions some people will like what you say others will not, but if you want to get personal then do it in a pm
hi mate yes i did use same mix for 2nd coat, i always do, not quick enough to have to mix another batch ;D but didn't add water to the mix.... if it isn't mixed well enough can it dry rough in places???? its the only thing i did different so it must be how i mixed it????? if you mix it too thick can it have the same effect?? ???
oh and yes i use marshaltown permashape gold 13"...... this is a pretty good one i was told especially for a novice??? less digging in.... couldn't change it either i've got a name for it and everything ;D
I recon it was all to do with the prep and your technique nothing to do with the mix as you said it was mixed ok ?

did it suck in in sections or what

what was the background ?
might just be a couple of placess u missed when troweling up, as for 2nd coat with the same mix thst wont cause cetain places to feel rough
Lambretta-Tom said:
So you always knock up two mixes up.
even if you are only putting on 4 or 5 handboards full ?

I try and gague mixing up just enough for 1st coat but allways do to much and lay 2nd on with same only on small areas though
Dont worry mate happens to the best of us ......

sounds like you just didnt trowel up right to me, whenever your plastering you need very good light, natural is best but if its gloomy and you cant see then your work will suffer.

Bite the bullet and get some decent lights,i just bought some beautys expensive but well worth it.

Lambretta-Tom said:
So you always knock up two mixes up.
even if you are only putting on 4 or 5 handboards full ?
no, not in small areas its just i cant see the point of topping out with the same mix..
might as well knock the mix up thick and put it on thick and look after it well..
i really cant see the point of lathering some more of the same mix over the top, it'll just pull em in together anyway..
besides, ive seen loads of people top out with the same mix (large areas) and it either feels like orange peel or is full of stripes when its finished..
the orange peel effect is what i was on about when i meant 'rough'..
and the other thing is platinums been plastering for all of about a month.. chances are the 'roughness' is just sheer inexperience..
just me and my ways tho..
I can't believe this went on as long as it did!
Platinum the reason it's rough in places is you missed it when troweling it.
Keep at it and you'll get there.

Oh I ALWAYS knock up new gear for the second coat.
Regardless of the area.
I've tried doing the same mix thing but it's just not as good and needed loads of water.
1st coat let it pull in then new mix on top. That way the finish is workable longer so you can get at those rough bits.

and segs and gps behave yourselves or I'll be round to slap your legs you naughty boys.
Play nice.

well gents thanks for the info though if i'm honest i'm still non the wiser..... deffo didn't miss it when trowelin up its an area less than 1.5m square....... suppose i can only assume its the one thing i did differnt and maybe it just wasnt mixed properly........ :P
maybe you just f'cked off too early..
if you feel skim just after 3rd trowel (or 2nd sometimes) and it feels like glass your tempted to leave it job done.. thing is its still damp so it will feel smooth, less friction..
come back to it when its dry and it should feel like eggshell, which is what youre after..
go home just 10 minutes too early and what felt ok when you left it might well dry a bit rough..
paint it and everything should be fine anyway..
give it a dry trowel next time and try that..
yeah good point usually when i've finished with it its still very dark and very damp, i've heard people on about dry troweling or to give it a final polish but i just thought they were being abit o.t.t to be honest cos i never had any probs before but yeah could be that.... do you do this day after ideally give it overnight to dry off... or just give it an hour after wet trowel???? i usually finish at wet trowel.
there y go.. thats yer problem..
sounds like your using too much water..
this is what i do..
mix up, lay on thick, leave it till when you stick your finger in it doesnt leave a 'spike', flatten it.
mix up again, lay on nice and thin but cover everything.
same as for flattening.
still no water added..not even a brush at he edges yet..
NOW, ill just run the brush up the edge and trowel again, just cleaning the edge a bit more..
still aint using water on it..
trowel it again..
if it starts to leave drag marks (not stripes) i.e. the trowels a bit dry i might use a brush at the edge again (or wherever im starting the trowel) and keep the trowel clean and lubricated with the brush..
when its there ill leave it and pack up, clean up just leaving a brush, a wet bucket and me trowel..
last thing before i pull the sheets, quick cross trowel/dry trowel.. doesnt really matter if you go up or side to side, just keep the trowel clean and use a bit of pressure with a bit of angle, shouldnt leave any drag marks.. is it does your too early.. might just look slightly mottled but feel it, if you cant feel it its reight..
trowel on van, dust sheets pulled, cash please..
p.s. if at any point it feels like orange peel youre doing something wrong, either timings or topping with the same mix.. it really doesnt help you at all..
cheers segs thinking about i did go a little water mad with this one..... i think you've hit the nail on the head pal..... cheers....

p.s this is all in my own pad .....long long long way off saying cash please ;D
have a go at my little routine there..
you might just find it takes all the effort out of it.. timings just come with practice.. and try not to use any water unless you need to lubricate the trowel..
if you were bangin on 40 metre sets on site with board finish its a different story..
PLATINUM this dry trowling your talking about is actually called cross troweling ,although not many people do it now days.
The plaster must be dry at least 12 hrs i reckons use the polishing trowel wrap a lint free cloth over the blade and apply lots of pressure across the wall as you go with both hands working from top to bottom.
With these modern plasters nowdays there is little reason to do this unless you make a hash of it.
if you want a wall polished up like glass this is the method to use!!
it must be at least dressed like a brown bear with mango groves sedding through ......only then can you dare cross trowel it or you may get bummed by mr poo poo itchy slurp slurp ???
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