multi being sprayed

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i was at that demo , if you think that you can lay that quicker than that machine then you must be superman mate, that was 38m2 it was sprayed on and flattened in in approx 15 mins, 1 man can operate that machine as for the architraves we deliberatly put them on to show that there isnt too much overspray so no need for any major masking , the material was set at a nice creamy consistency, and the material set at a nice steady pace, if you want a demo contact uk plastering machines (thats me) and we'll arrange it mate , but please don't knock something that you don't know or understand
38m in 15 mins thats feckin great, would probably take us about 40 - 50 mins to get that on and flatten depending on job. Would be keen to find out more and how much?
my contact details are on the website mate i'm stuart or you can contact paul , British Gypsum were also present at the demonstration and they was more then happy with the way that their product was being sprayed, as i said we have no problem if you would like to arrange a demonstration
fair comment, but 2 plasterers would do the same amount, and 2 coats, not as quick, but a better job, also i dont know much about the machine, i only saw and made my own conclusion after 26 years in the game,at the end of the day your selling it and i dont buy it mate.
as i see it machin plastering is the way forward he isnt the only person selling it and when the price falls a bit i definatly be buying one especially as it can spray mono and mp75 aswell
how can you say better job Del........machine or hand applied ...the final finish is only as good as you are, some people will never be convinced and that's fair enough mate, napper if your interested then please get in touch or at least take a look at the website and see what we're all about, the ritmo M will spray multi, hardwall, mp75,mono,k-rend,mp finish, it will also do thin coat systems from applying the adhesive to the back of the insulation board to spraying the basecoat to then spraying the final acrylic topcoat (bucket coat) basically a very versatile machine
and 1 more point Del you say 2 plasterers would do the same 1 man and his much do you pay your machine each week does it want the same 50/50 split as the other plasterer
i ve been on the site and i really am intrested in one just dont have a spare £5k+ at the moment sothern, when i see a good run of work coming up ill be certainly looking more seriously at one i just dont have the work on at the moment to justify it it would prob spend more time in the garage at the moment
Thing is a machine only mixes a certain amount at a time, very quickly ,so if you mix 2 bags of multi they are going to be stood on the board or in the tub for x number of minutes ,wheras a machine will spray 14L a minute max(ritmo) so fresh stuff is always being applied to the wall, where if its been on a board the plaster at the bottom has been stood for 10 minutes or so. What im trying t say is the plaster is always fresh giving you plenty of time.
Im right up for it but its the 5K thing :(
you pay for what you get but right now i have the work but dont have a spare 5K

i fully understand 5k is a lot of money to be spending at the moment, but machines will always be here so whenever you decide the time is right then we can help, and napper i think the ritmo does spray alltek, but i think you need a bag wrangler
Have to say that this type of thinking has come up on threads before. here.made me laugh then. A machine like this ,, sprays faster than any spread can and then some....consistantly....u go at that speed on a regular basis ( which i think would be impossible) and you wouldnt be able to pick up a trowel in 2 years let alone use it....Not that ive seen it directly in action but..i think u could in theory spray flatten on your jack jones for the odd job. 2 man would be fine..load it up one sprays one flattens and loads up again...anyone thinking they can beat a machine on coverage..needs their head examined....5k is alot of money on one piece of machinery..but if its being put to work will earn its keep in a very short while....but no good under a tarp in the garage if u get my meaning. It all comes down what type of biz u got and how much of it....
I'm not knocking this machine thing , and maybe the future is orange ..... but you need your head examined if you think it will not change the prices , you can bang out as much as you like but the meter£ will drop , you might rob a few contractor for a while but they will catch on fast.
ok big site yeah for sure...smaller site builders i dunno..long as quality is there...think you could milk if for a good while unless competiotion go down same keeping my eye on this the right marketplace your on to a winner...but do fully understand what you saying
nice words phipps , church people can only knock the prices down if they are supplying the machine to you, if you own it then the price remains the don't charge extra for supplying your own trowel do you, I've owned a machine for the past 5-6 years and never has my price altered because i have the capacity to do more metres then the man with his hawk and trowel
Not you again ;D ;D , i see what you mean mate ........... but it will not be long for contractors are asking weather you " hand or machine apply " I'm not doubting what you are doing or earning but once there is competition in this market contracors will not pay £3 when somone will do it for £1.50 (prolly badly ) but thats just how the business of plastering has allways been , i hope not i really do i think for what we do we should get good money but you will allways have to slave for it innnnnnnnnnnnnnnn my opinion.
im not knocking your machine but i would like to see one man doing it on his own before you claim one man done it. Theres no sockets and no ceiling and to be honest i would have done it probably quicker on my own one coating and saved myself a few grand. Machines have their place but to be honest i think if your working on a scaffold and its being pumped up fair enough but spraying someones living room isnt gonna speed you up.
i have had my own machine for over ten years and work on my own you just spray on what you can manage .all plastering is hard work but sraying the gear on is easier and faster i also render outsides on my own it just means you have to jump up and down the scaffold to feed the machine.if anyone is in two mind's about buying a machine buy one,it will pay for its self in no time.the only problem i can see about machine use in the uk is pluging into 3 phase power(all sites here in spain normaly have 3 phase power).a year ago i bought a new machine for 5000 euro's believe me that's a good price when you think of the extra m2 you can put on .a day's work for me is generally is between 40m2 to 60m2(60m2 not very often but can be done).prices only go down when we undercut each other or big firm's use cheap foriegn labour as has happened here.when i first started machine work here i was the first bloke doing it and had to order in material specialy now there are more spreads with machines then blokes without.
Fair comments El tel , and have the rates stayed the same over the years? also from my limited of knowledge of the Spanish work ethic i don't think its the same all rip s**t and tare cut throat business as it is here the UK unless you tell me different of course.
the problem i have had over the last few month's is other spread's undercutting the moment the price's are less than i was getting two year's ago and to make matter's worse the price of plaster has gone up big time.
Yes el tel projection plaster has gone up any idea why? where are you in Spain and what kind of prices are you getting spraying one coat,
Not with you their Phipsy the stuff we use here is made in Spain may be it sometimes by French companies, Euro.
The thing here guys is....times unfortunately change .
In say 20 years time ther'll probably be robots plastering walls for f**k sake with R2d2 doing the mixing. My point is .....
All successfull businesses have to adapt to stay in the game plastering is no different.
Ive seen these machines working and i personally (all though i dont know it all ( think they are the future.
It is a lot of money this is one of my concerns also ......the other issue is relaiability,ease of getting spare parts,weight of moving around on your own., service intervals and where to get serviced ?.this is the only reason i havent personaly bought one yet.
But just as things start to turn il be buying one for sure.
we will give you full technical back up and if machine does go down (which 90% of the time it's user error) we can normally get you running again over the phone if not then we can get the part you need sent by 9.00 am the next day (providing part is ordered by 3pm latest and additional charge applies for a pre 9 delivery)
I have used a machine to spray k rend but i havent a clue how to use the machine its self i was at the easy end spraying ...... Do you hold courses on how to use them monkey ???
if you decide to buy we will give you 1 days free training on site (wherever your site is and however much you wish to spray)my personal advice is to arrange a second day (prices will vary depending on how far we have to travel) on the first day we will go over everything you need to know about the machine and advice on how to keep yourself out of trouble, so basically running water through the machine till you can confidently setup and run the machine and then on the second day we will get you putting material on the wall and go over general maintenance and basic trouble shooting
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