multi and bonding..... use by?

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New Member
multi and bonding open bags but not fully used.... are they ok to seal bag well and use again.... or do you need to use fresh bags??? i've got half a bag of both in the garden shed.... can they be re used or after open is it use all or bin what you dont use???? ???
ive always got at least half a bag on the van cos i always buy extra..
i rotate em, rolll the bag tops over and use em for first coat next day/job
3 months shelf life on an unopened bag..
just keep em well dry and you should be fine..
i always try and use fresh bags for topping off though just in case..
I keep a small supply of part-used bags in the garden shed and leave them for 12 months or so. I've got 1/2 a bag of board finish on the van at the moment with a use by date of September 2007 and it's great for patching or other really small sets.

Mix it up and lay on as normal, but it's set solid after about 10-15 minutes. Just what you need or those really small jobs where you want to be in and out as quick as possible.

You can get the same effect by mixing with dirty water, but that can be a bit hit or miss and the set time can be unpredictable.
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