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oh eye yeah like a hole in the head trowels up better but goes off like the wind had heated words with BG over it told um im switching back to mp till they come on site and see how fast its setting 30 mins and theres no suction in these blocks at all there woodchip mp hangs around a good while
loving that hardcore radio station your listening too , dont think i could listen to it all day tho .
All ways wondered if something interesting is going to happen after ten seconds after ive stopped watching.
theres an easy fix for that then churchy dont klick play only posted it as some people on here might take an interest in machine plastering of different kinds in a site situation forgive me i keep forgetting your all experts on here on every system in the market !
how im i going to learn how noisy / easy machines are to use if i dont click and watch , i would love to double my weekly earnings but i just want to be the bloke in the bristish legion sitting at the front with the ear trumpet
wwwplasterkingcouk said:
watchin the bull(german word) and youl be sat on your arse shortly

I had a dig about noisey pointless machine videos being posted yes , why deside to start posting after two years tho , and why will i be sitting on my arse please explain
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