Mp finish Kanuf and reskim

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Has anyone used mp finish on a reskim i have only used it on plasterboard but i have got to reskim a few kitchens as of next week using the stuff and i heard a few other spreads moaning just wondered on your guys take on it many thanks lads
basher i think its lovely gear just dont play with it to much get it flat early and dont put to much water on you can also leave it longer between trowels
I ent never seen or used this stuff whats it designed for. Why ent it as common as boardy of multi, too expensive?
kevmc said:
basher i think its lovely gear just dont play with it to much get it flat early and dont put to much water on you can also leave it longer between trowels
whats your routine to it like 2 coats p.v.a two coats of finish or just one?
ive used it on a full house re-skim and its luvly gear as long as you dont mess with it too early & use too much h2o , a sponge float also helps and 1 bag seems to go for miles :) :)
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