Most usefull tool

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Private Member
Apart from the essentials Trowel, hawk, mixer etc what is the ONE tool you value/use the most.
Mines a magic wand I found ontop of a wardrobe. Its now in my tool bag for those tough jobs. ;D
It's not one of them magic wands that vibrate is it mate ;D
Found a few of them on jobs before ;D
Bruce Willis said:
Apart from the essentials Trowel, hawk, mixer etc what is the ONE tool you value/use the most.
Mines a magic wand I found ontop of a wardrobe. Its now in my tool bag for those tough jobs. ;D
I like this thread my favourite tool is guess what ?
jimfish said:
Bruce Willis said:
Apart from the essentials Trowel, hawk, mixer etc what is the ONE tool you value/use the most.
Mines a magic wand I found ontop of a wardrobe. Its now in my tool bag for those tough jobs. ;D
I like this thread my favourite tool is guess what ?
Haven't a clue. Go on what is it?
Bruce Willis said:
jimfish said:
Bruce Willis said:
Apart from the essentials Trowel, hawk, mixer etc what is the ONE tool you value/use the most.
Mines a magic wand I found ontop of a wardrobe. Its now in my tool bag for those tough jobs. ;D
I like this thread my favourite tool is guess what ?
Haven't a clue. Go on what is it?
Its me( plastering tool) i cant call it by its proper name ive been warned?
steve_cov_spread said:
jimfish...theres always one! we mean proper, useful tools!
I have a very useful tool so the mrs tells me but lets not go there steve go out and buy one then you will have a useful tool aswell like me haha lol and save yourself a few quid
I suppose I'd have to say the one I developed but cant mention yet ;D

So that was unhelpfull to the thread wasnt it :)
nelly i think i know what it is. is it a motor, with 2 handles on it, a trigger, and a long metal stick with a paddle on the end that you can use instead of mixing by hand?
jim i want a free one! someones sellin them on ebay at a tenner a pop i think. i'll just wait till my mate gets some off the back of a lorry and get one then!
steve_cov_spread said:
nelly i think i know what it is. is it a motor, with 2 handles on it, a trigger, and a long metal stick with a paddle on the end that you can use instead of mixing by hand?
You've rumbled me ;D

love at your minus karma too
steve_cov_spread said:
jim i want a free one! someones sellin them on ebay at a tenner a pop i think. i'll just wait till my mate gets some off the back of a lorry and get one then!
Steve the really useful( plastering tools )dont fall off the back of lorries and thats me on ebay so if ya mate wants one as well you now no were to get one from go on i know you want to really .
jimfish said:
steve_cov_spread said:
jim i want a free one! someones sellin them on ebay at a tenner a pop i think. i'll just wait till my mate gets some off the back of a lorry and get one then!
Steve the really useful( plastering tools )dont fall off the back of lorries and thats me on ebay so if ya mate wants one as well you now no were to get one from go on i know you want to really .
Is it mainly designed for gorilla tubs ?
pftmonojetman said:
jimfish said:
steve_cov_spread said:
jim i want a free one! someones sellin them on ebay at a tenner a pop i think. i'll just wait till my mate gets some off the back of a lorry and get one then!
Steve the really useful( plastering tools )dont fall off the back of lorries and thats me on ebay so if ya mate wants one as well you now no were to get one from go on i know you want to really .
Is it mainly designed for gorilla tubs ?
NO not really it fits tilers adhesive tubs any bucket type .Obviosly if its a small bucket or container the radious is greater on the really useful tool because you find small buckets taper from the top down meaning the radious is greater at the top than the bottom so the bigger the bucket or container the better the fit but gorrila tubs a ideal for me because i mix up a full bag of board finish or multi every mix obviously when im plastering out a full size room .On an average size room that will lay on the first ceiling and wall coat .
Nah they don't fall off the back of lorrys,
they are thrown off because they are (really usefull)
And how come every thread turns back round to the (usefull to).
So come on give it a rest now or I'll ram that (usefull tool) rite up your (where the sun don't shine)!
;D ;D
[/quote]Touchy arnt we flash your entitled to your own opinions so best keep them to yourself try it for yourself and see dont be a pessimist try optimism it may do you some good by the sound of things oh and by the way nothings gonna get rammed where the sun dont shine only your ego move on .
Oh dear not again,
Jimfish has upset the cagefighter amongst us. :o
Tut tut Jim now your the 2nd person on here to do so.
Ask flynnyman he saw his website.
Ding ding Round 1 :o
my hammer.

when i was on site work a few years ago and it went abit quiet for a few days, we used too go into finished houses and make more work for ourself. hehehe sorry redrow ;D
Nisus said:
Oh dear not again,
Jimfish has upset the cagefighter amongst us. :o
Tut tut Jim now your the 2nd person on here to do so.
Ask flynnyman he saw his website.
Ding ding Round 1 :o
No nisus he tried to upset me but it didnt work out ?
small tool. gets in all those annoying F*****g places and good for cleaning your angles out. and for itching your bumhole without the need to wash your hands
steve_cov_spread said:
small tool. gets in all those annoying (french word)in places and good for cleaning your angles out. and for itching your bumhole without the need to wash your hands
another use for the (really usefull tool) scratching were you itch.
jimfish said:
Nisus said:
Oh dear not again,
Jimfish has upset the cagefighter amongst us. :o
Tut tut Jim now your the 2nd person on here to do so.
Ask flynnyman he saw his website.
Ding ding Round 1 :o
No nisus he tried to upset me but it didnt work out ?

To be fair mate it looked like he was just having a joke with ya.
Notice the smileys at the bottom of the page that's what they are there for ;)
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