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did some mono for a mate only a small wall. i ended up with balled patches wen rubbing it down. had to re bead and do the wall agen. but y did it go balled never hapend b4. but i never been trained in mono jst always done it as ive seen the lads on site do and had no probs till now.
did you put on in one or did you do two coats to get the thickness one straight after the first
do you mean bald patches ??? if so this is where you have laid fresh mono over mono that has already formed a skin, when you rub back you get those patches.

Keep it fresh and once ruled and spated dont lay anymore over the top.

its also where the first coat isnt flat and the next is not uniform both coats should be ruled and dont bother with the spat just rule it flat
richardbrown said:
do you mean bald patches ??? if so this is where you have laid fresh mono over mono that has already formed a skin, when you rub back you get those patches.

Keep it fresh and once ruled and spated dont lay anymore over the top.

jst looked back. what a thick TW@T i am. yeah bald, wsnt thinkin. we put the mesh and rendaid on. then put the mono on the day after (friday night) and rubbed in the morn. was goin ok til i got to the middle then it all went pete tong
It's hard to finish the whole wall with a rule so if you've got to use a trowel around beads and under soffits I find it easier with less misses to fly round with a spat straight after rule. do you leave the lines in grand?
do the lines make much difference with quickening the set for scraping then? all up for that if it does
yes they do cuse it gets the air out quicker they aint deep and it scrapes back easier than a closed in surface
makes sense that will give it a go tomorrow. I suppose an alternative way would be to perfect it as usual and last thing make some lines to aid air flow too if bit too scruffy with just rule
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