mono suppliers

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Chris W

Well-Known Member
need to get hold of a price on about 25 metres of some sort of mono... front gable and top half, hack off and redo..
existing is absolutely sh'te... expecting it to be concretes underneath, prolly about 15 year old this house..
bloke just needs a through colour scrape finish in cream or something, be the first one on the estate to make everyone elses sh'te look even sh'ter.. ;D
wheres best place local to daventry small quantites delivered for a decent price? will I need any basecoat and mesh or will it be ok straight on the blocks?
cheers anyone?
if its krend mate youll be needing hpx or webber use rendaid phone around and get the best price you can i paid nearly 20 quid for a bag and will do 5sqm on block then you want some mesh which is 60 odd quid i think, krend do another basecoat called hp12 but you'd want the other really for refurb work mate
5 square a bag!!! are you talking about hpx or the mono itself?
the merchants down here dont stock it, travis are notorious for takin the p'ss anyway, just wondered if there was a way of getting it dropped in one hit, mesh, mono, basecoat beads... cheap... ish...
Im gonna let my mate run the job, Ill just pop down and bang it on when its ready... too busy on the council to be messin about really but if it turns out nice therell prolly be a few calls after cos you wanna see the rendering on this estate..... rough as f00k man.... looks like a really weak mix, shelling all over, paint peeling.... mono the way to go methinks...
anyway, just gotta price the mats for him, let him go quote the bloke and sort the deliverys / scaffold / hack off etc...
theres 22 square tight size, its one of them brick lower, rendered top up to the apex on the gable, corbel verge, brick 'quoins'...
soldiers over the windows (3) and sandstone cills... 90's barratt stylie...
prolly should ring round and all that but i cant be arsed.... if i can get a max price ill give him that and then if it comes in cheaper if he gets the job, bonus, if not, no worries...
do weber and k do small orders delivered or is it through the merchants? dont know of a dedicated plastering suppliers round here?
its the basecoat mate youll get just under a metre out of the top coat doubt youll get 5m on youre background though, if youve got loads of dubbing out use s/c befoe the base coat
I'm in Banbury Chris and the closest supplier we use is Minsters Oxford/Didcot they stock k-rend and weber along with mesh. However if you can use k-rend arran i have 30 bags and base coat mesh and beads, i'll do the lot for you cheap.
Just done a mono job, Weber Pral M - Cheapest I found was Sheffield Insulations at £8.50 a bag plus VAT. Travis wanted £14 + vat !!

I think they have outlets all over the UK, just go on their website and find the nearest one to you - I ordered 30 bags so not quite a pallet and they only charged me £15 carriage charge to deliver 30 miles or so.

They also did all the beads and meash in one hit so give them a try chief
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