Money to burn.

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HI guys hence the title I have money to burn. I wana buy a decent trowel but indecisive on the refina stainless steel or The nela super flex. Was swaying towards nela till someone said to me the nela is a copy of the refina. Got the refina plazi but not keen on it as the nick that u can get from time to time. Several marshal but want the new stuff that's getting all this hype.

also was going to get a speed skim but also saw the Excalibur I heard on here that the pole attachment can b a bit dodgy on speedskim but never once heard a mention of the Excalibur

decision decisions, hopefully u can help, u might even say don't bother with either and in that case what radio do I buy lol
cheers guys
I worked for a guy who burnt a million in cash on a Scottish island twenty yrs ago. Anyone know who this is..
HI guys hence the title I have money to burn. I wana buy a decent trowel but indecisive on the refina stainless steel or The nela super flex. Was swaying towards nela till someone said to me the nela is a copy of the refina. Got the refina plazi but not keen on it as the nick that u can get from time to time. Several marshal but want the new stuff that's getting all this hype.

also was going to get a speed skim but also saw the Excalibur I heard on here that the pole attachment can b a bit dodgy on speedskim but never once heard a mention of the Excalibur

decision decisions, hopefully u can help, u might even say don't bother with either and in that case what radio do I buy lol
cheers guys

its all ifs and ands, mate. i prefer the refina but it would seem most others prefer the nela. you might prefer neither. you takes your chances. never had any probs with any speedskim gear. except trying to remove the blade. but it was coming out anyway. you can have my nela for fifty delivered if you like?
Just got a refina s*p*r*lex ... nice bit of kit tbh ... easy to get on it after flattening with a speedskim , 2 passes with a s*p*r*lex then plazzi - job done . Still messing with timings however so i'll soon find whats best
@scottie5 ... thanks for the heads up and advice marra :RpS_biggrin: :RpS_thumbup:

As for your plazzi nicking then always carry a fine sanding block @Ashmilson .... normally get 5 for a quid at the pound shops ... minutes work to glide over the edges ... I use a non sponge backed though so held at a shallow angle like the s*p*r*lex you get on it earlier .
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As said its personal preferance that you will only find out when you try each one. I used MT carbon ans SS and went down the Nela s*p*r*lex line. Very impressed. Not tried a refina yet but im told theyre pretty similar. From looking at a refina and nela s*p*r*lex at BG tour (courtesy of chrisjack) i think the refina is a sturdier blade and you could possibly put on with it as well as lay down and polish. I only use the nela for polishing
Also the nela premium i have it better built that my marshalltown so how u say the nela is a copy, well heard that ....... I would say there they seem to be putting there all into the trowels , and using good steels etc they are a new company from what i know but i think refina will be shaking abit about there trowel sales ! As im guessing they may be a big competitor in germany dont quote me on that. Lol
If you have money to burn. Buy both as others said. give them a try. pick the one you like then flog the other on ebay or here simples. Or like me keep them all and have a museum on your garage of most tools on the market :RpS_laugh:
You will have your trowel a very long time, so for what they cost get both and see which you prefer for finishing with, you can use the other for floating/rendering etc.. I have the refina and the nela... I prefer the nela, its better made, but isnt really a copy, there both made very differently....
I now have really got the hang of the nela s*p*r*lex and have to say they are a great bit of kit. I have a refina s*p*r*lex so i am going to start to use that to compare the 2. I read a very handy post by @scottie5 on how best to use the refina and adapted this to the nela. Another great reason for this forum :RpS_thumbup:
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You will have your trowel a very long time, so for what they cost get both and see which you prefer for finishing with, you can use the other for floating/rendering etc.. I have the refina and the nela... I prefer the nela, its better made, but isnt really a copy, there both made very differently....

Don't let refina hear you say that Craig. You will be cut off from Al the royalties
Hi Guys,

Just read the comment of the NELA being of copy of the Refina, this is actually untrue as the NELA trowel was made first under a different name. Love a bit of Trowel History.... :RpS_thumbup:

If you need any help mate, please give us a call. I will be happy to help
I wrote about the refina in my last post and its bloody come up as a link to amazon. i didn't bloody want it to do that. Chuffing internet
As an add on Ryan i need a box bad for my nela"s as im having to put them under the seat in the van at the moment as i cant think of anywhere else.:razz:
Don't let refina hear you say that Craig. You will be cut off from Al the royalties

lolo... refina ansd Nela both do great quality products... I do use Nela, but no moans about Refina... best trowels on the market these two companies...
Are these s*p*r*lex trowels only good for setting plasterboard I ask because everyone keeps mentioning about getting timings right with them and with things like setting hardwall you don't get much time to mess around
Hi Guys,

Just read the comment of the NELA being of copy of the Refina, this is actually untrue as the NELA trowel was made first under a different name. Love a bit of Trowel History.... :RpS_thumbup:

If you need any help mate, please give us a call. I will be happy to help
Hi there do u have a store I could visit or is it a internet based company? Will gladly drive over for pointers and advice on the products thanks for the message
Are these s*p*r*lex trowels only good for setting plasterboard I ask because everyone keeps mentioning about getting timings right with them and with things like setting hardwall you don't get much time to mess around

Used my Refina s/f today on an artex ceiling and also some stripped shitty old walls ... must say it was a dream first pass on the artex overskim ... not had a prob on the old walls either but I have blue gritted everything ive been doing at the moment so its buyin me a little more time with how its pulling in
Used my Refina s/f today on an artex ceiling and also some stripped shitty old walls ... must say it was a dream first pass on the artex overskim ... not had a prob on the old walls either but I have blue gritted everything ive been doing at the moment so its buyin me a little more time with how its pulling in

Cool thanks order the Nela s*p*r*lex from @Plasterers1StopShop
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