mixing plaster

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New Member
is there a method for getting the right mixture when mixing plaster...multi finish....im using one of my old drills with a mixing paddle? any tips
roughly just under a bucket of water per full bag of multi.
mix until smooth
add more or less to suit what your doing
you can always add more water but cant take it back out ... remember that

Rich b
your average builders bucket of water put in a gorilla tun then add a full bag of multi. This is only a rough guide mind.

Rich b
Mix to water until a nice consistancy, creamy like. Not to thick or thin. If your new to it mix up until it starts to thicken and then add a handfull at a time until its right for you...... Dont add water though it quickens up the set time :o :o
you could get a bucket trowel ful and slap it on a hawk..
trun it at 90 to the floor and if it slides straight off its too wet, if it doesnt move at all its too thick..
i usually tell the labourers that when the little 'whippy' lines off the paddle stay put when you stop its there, long as theres no lumps in it ;D
When i was serving my time my gaffer used to have a bucket with a line half way up for water i had a scoop for gauging the powder so id put 20 or whatever scoops into the water that way every mix was pretty much the same. Got used to the feel of it that way, but i was using a podger not a drill.
hepibhoy said:
is there a method for getting the right mixture when mixing plaster...multi finish....im using one of my old drills with a mixing paddle? any tips
if your using an old drill with a 'mixing paddle' chances are its a little paint stirrer cos most drill wont take an m14 paddle...
invest in a dedicated mixer..
theres some really cheap ones on ebay..
the benefit is they dont take so long to knock up a decent size mix so you get more time on the wall, little farty paddles take forever to knock a bucket up and youll end up 'overmixing' it which will send it off quick..
If your in this game for ever and ever and ever do yourself a favour and buy a refina megamixer Ive had mine years and still works perfectly, runs quiet and will mix up as much as you'll ever handle

Rich B
Megamixers are the dogs b*ll***s, worth ever penny! We've got 2 and they are s**t hot. By the way i've got shares in the company!
mega mixer by refina....fantastic..ive goit the big one 1750 i think......its the bomb....mix a full 30 litre bucket in les than 30 seconds.....used a good few ie cool/ bell etc but by far the best has been the refina mega.....
i hate gorilla buckets...30 ltre plastering mixing bucket...i can never understand why anyone would use a gorilla bucket..i hate em
IT ALL FALLS OUT ON a mon, i use mt plaster buckt to stank my drill in while i plaster and to hold my water. we al have are own ways ,
yet another good reason for using gorilla tubs..
i use one for mixing, one for washout/wetbucket..
stood off the hop up this morning and just caught the edge of the wetbucket..it collapsed and leaked a bit of water but no panic..
now if that had been a builders bucket id have either had it stuck on me foot or it'd just have gone everywhere...i was upstairs btw.. ;D
nothing worse than putting your foot in a bucket waterevery were/wet foot /and if u havent sheeted up properly ur fooked
GAZ said:
i like it , on a fri i never have to clean it just leave it to dry and CRACK

the last job i was a gang used to do that but they would leave what ever was left after ever set usually a full bag dont think they knew it was ok to mix half a bag up, u wud go in a flat after them and there would be about 10 dinosaur turds all over the floors
i usually just scoop any waste into a bag and leave it till im done then it goes in the van..
usually pretty good at guaging first coat, if theres a trowelful or 2 left i just sling it on the wall somewhere..
i always seem to knock up too much for 2nd coat tho for some reason, usually go for half the amount for first coat but i always end up with loads left..
feck knows why?
but if theres one thing that really p'sses me off.. its running out of muck for a little bit of a ceiling for topping off...
bigsegs said:
yet another good reason for using gorilla tubs..
i use one for mixing, one for washout/wetbucket..
stood off the hop up this morning and just caught the edge of the wetbucket..it collapsed and leaked a bit of water but no panic..
now if that had been a builders bucket id have either had it stuck on me foot or it'd just have gone everywhere...i was upstairs btw.. ;D
could be worse seggs i let the water butt overflow today :o omg im still getting under the cover moments :-\ it went down three floors through the staircase and into some rooms and stopped just before the floor that was painted with fitted kitchens in etc .......went through 5 bags of multi just to soak it up and im going in tomorrow just to finish cleaning up before the knobs see it monday ..........remember always stand by the butt and turn it off when youre feet start getting wet
its not a nice position to be in when youve got a set on ;D.......water everywhere and youve just started youre first trowel :'(
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