Mixing Drill

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I have a makita mixing drill and the variable speed control has broke so it just goes at the quicker speed and i have found my mixes are starting to go off quicker so i started the mixing with a stick and finished with the frill but i still have the same problem do you lads think its time for a new drill if so what would you recommend and if not and ideas? many Thanks
it shouldnt be going off quicker mate everyone i know has there drill at top speed ...........refina do good drills if you need a few tools they do deals
if you mix it for ten minutes yes .....not the speed of the drill
i was allways told the fastewr you mix the quicker it goes off the faster speed on drills are normally for faster liquids like latex self leveling you dont need to knock it up fast
spunkybum said:
if you mix it for ten minutes yes .....not the speed of the drill

your right spunky if it takes 2000 rotations to knock up your mix does it matter if its done on a fast or slow setting I dont think so
I was always told a fast drill or over mixing will speed up the setting time.

So if you need to speed up a set mix the b*ll***s out of it!
Just a guess but wouldn't using a faster mixer speed cause more friction which would result in heat, sending it of quicker?
probably right andy...
i used to use a cordless drill with one of those little paint wisks on little jobs few years ago.. had it in 2nd gear... seemed to send it off quick... i think a bigger paddle on a slower speed is a lot better than a little paddle on high speed..
Nonsense i always mix on high speed with a large paddle and im always sat around waiting for it to go off even on a 3 bag set you get different setting times on different batches of skim some are slow setting and some fast we have discussed this on here before BG cant get it right all time seggs can go deep into this subject.
ive had normal setting times in winter when everythings been fine but then had a fresh delivery of multi, stuck a normal amount on, waited, waited some more, thought sod it and chucked a few more walls on, still waiting for the first lot, another wall on...
then topped the whole lot in one go...
1 set lasted all bleeding day! (all on new plasterboard btw)

it was cold though, not minus temperatures but chilly cold, its just that the first batch was fine its only when i got some more plaster in that this happened... right at the end of the job too...

maybe theres a cut off point in the chemical make up where its fine right up to that point but 1 degree under it and completely changes its behaviour?

breaking ice in a barrel to get water makes a difference too...

its been said before that bg reps have told people that bg alter the amount of retarder in the plaster according to the time of year...

whether thats just the reps gob working overtime or not is a mystery but ive definately had different setting times on different batches... none out of date either...

ive also had stuff go off lighning quick with no explanation... all suction sorted... ive blamed everything from shite pva to heating pipes running across ceilings but it happens all the same..
its not the heat or anything its the amount of air youre pumping into the mix from wisking it too long
grand wizard said:
nonsense my setting times never change
So even on hardwall your setting times the same as board or over skim the same as the last 2 or you have never had a bad bag of skim that set while you were mixing? then mate you got a lot of suprises ahead of you.
It says on the the Multi bags do not over mix. We do this for small sets to save time. Have you never noticed that when you pick up bags of spent mix that has been overmixed its really warm! Anyway Refina drills all the way, the professionals choice. :)
of course setting times are different on hardwall and as for i got alot of suprises ahead tell me what they are because in 26 years of plastering i think i seen most of them
grand wizard said:
of course setting times are different on hardwall and as for i got alot of suprises ahead tell me what they are because in 26 years of plastering i think i seen most of them
Fair play mate.
hi everyone im new to this game and have 0% experience other than what i learned at the college, which looking back at it was not a great deal! anyway ive attempted to plaster my kids' bedroom today and i s**t you not ive been on all day with 2 small walls ive had a total nightmare and really really need some advice, ive used a evolution wisk variable speed to mix my plaster, ive had the same outcome each time i mixed and i tried 3 different approaches. i used clean cold water (11.5L) for each 25Kg bag of multi finish (use by date 12/4/12) 1st bag i mixed starting on slow and building up to a high speed (this was how they showed us to do it at the college) my plaster had started to go off and become very hard to use by the end of my 1st coat on a wall only 6 square meter! it was setting in the bucket by 20 minutes after mixing, 2nd mix i went straight in at high speed thinking this would speed up my mixing time same result 20 minutes in and bang, its set in the bucket! so 3rd time i tried adding a little more water and mixing on slow to medium the mix i got was a lot runnyer but went on the wall much better but again 20 minutes in and the bucket is rock hard and also very hot. ive been told its a bad batch of plaster by 2 plasterers but really? 3 bags off the trot? what am i doing wrong? can you please help as im demented and seriously thinking ive made a huge mistake going into plastering!!
How long have you had the bags and where have you stored them, did you buy them all together at the same
Yes 3 bags on the trot would all be the same if they came out the same batch just take them back to where you got them from, it does sound like you got a bad batch.
i bought 6 bags all with the same date on them from wickes all from the same pallet, stored them for 2 days in my dining room at room temp only mixed them until the lumps were gone i tried up and down motion with one bucket round and round with the next and just still in one spot with another
by a bad batch of plaster they mean there could have been 1000s bags in the batch. if you had 1 bad bag it is likely you had a few. but it could have been where you was buying it from, i have a local builders yard who i always use for small jobs, (1 bedroom or bathroom) there reason i always use them is because where they keep there plaster is open to the elements, even though there indoors theres massive doors are open all day making the bags a little "damp" making my sets go off a little quicker so i aint hanging about all day for it to dry.
Bad batch try a bag from bq at this time of the year they start messing around with retarders
ive heard a few people complaining abouts wickes plaster going off too quick, i had a lad in last year to skim my front room and i got the bags from wikes then too and he was complaining to his apprentice about the way he was mixing as it was setting too quick. as im new to this game and attempting my own house and as ive had virtually no experience im not that fast yet need to keep practicing but after today i am really put off plastering! as i get better a quicker set would be handy when time is money but 20 minutes to go rock hard in the bucket and my last mix was almost a full bag up the spout too is a little extreme for me like ha ha thanks for the pointers i will try taking the last 3 bags back and try somewhere else see how that goes, what would your advice be on mixing? fast/slow?
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