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New Member
God'dam, on my last mix this arvo my bloody mixer packs-up, sparks and smoke. Anyone got tips on who's got deals at the moment. Need one by 10am tomorrow. Wanna spend about £150.
Cant see anyone getting you one that quick , £150 will get you a small megamixer i would go for that check out there website for stockists might be one near you (where are you based )?
Go to screwfix first thing in the morning you'll get summat for £150ish.
I always carry a back up, a cheapo drill & paddle.
& always keep the plunger on the van as a back up for my back up ;D
Order a megamix from Refina, I ordered a new floor rule on Wednesday afternoon turned up today, that's good service isn't it. And while your waiting go to Screwfix or B&Q and get a cheap one for now which will do as a backup in future.
some one posted a link to some cheap refina drills this week somewhere on here ...... excellent drills. had mine for 5 years had it serviced a while back and the guy said there was no signs of wear at all and it gets hammered every day of the week !
Nisus said:
Go to screwfix first thing in the morning you'll get summat for £150ish.
I always carry a back up, a cheapo drill & paddle.
& always keep the plunger on the van as a back up for my back up ;D
;D ;D
kebab king said:
I always have a plunger in the van, use it quite often, makes a nice mix.
same as, if you're doing a bathroom ceiling its not worth getting your tranny and mixer out of the van, cleaning it up etc etc
just stand by your van for half hour, some chav will walk past and offer them 20 for mixing up all day. at least you can keep an eye on them so they dont rob your van.
You can't beat giving it a good seeing to with a massive plunger :o
beats pulling a trannie off............... the back of the van ;D
Thanks for all the info guys.
I popped into Gem Tool hire on Sat 8am and purchased a Refina Megamixer, my gosh what a beauty.
Mixer was £260, I asked for a discount and they gave me the transformer for free.
Replaced the brushes and cable on the old mixer, so have a crappy back-up.
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