mixed plastering

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hey guys, iv been working with another spread now for the past few months, out of the two types of plaster , found that board gets a good finish but goes off quicker than multi, what we've been doing over some big artex ceilings is first coat with multi as it takes that bit longer too go off, then second skim with board for the finish, now iv read somwhere ur not suppose to mix the two, can somone explain why. cheers. ???
i think its because, like you say, multi is designed to take longer to set, i might be wrong though.
I've just rung the British Gypsum technical desk and they said no problem at all to use both types on the same set, as long as you don't let the first coat go off too much before applying the second. They also explained to me why Multifinish is designed for higher suction backgrounds than Board - all to do with the manufacturing process apparently, because Multi is crushed by the ball bearings for longer in the 'tube' than Board finish which enables it to retain water particles for longer and so can be used on a wider variety of backgrounds. ??? I asked them if I could do a factory tour to see how they manufacture plasters - got to ring head office in Loughborough apparently to organise, but would be quite interesting I reckon.
i've never had a problem using the two together, always wondered if it was alright by BG though. the bloke i work with has been down to the factory and said its quite interesting, apparently they use a jet of salt water to cut the board and coving because blades clog up to quick. useless fact but hey.
me skint never...i have loads of the stuff, just not to good at putting it in the rite places! im allways outa pocket?
How many factories do BG have now? When I started it used to say on the bag which works it had come from, I remember my old man would order some Siraphite and tell the merchant which works he wanted it from as some worked better than others. I think there used to be four factories.
oh gollygosh i onlyhad half a bag of multi an half baord today and they got mixed together will my wall fall off ::) ::)
Phil said:
I've just rung the British Gypsum technical desk and they said no problem at all to use both types on the same set, as long as you don't let the first coat go off too much before applying the second. They also explained to me why Multifinish is designed for higher suction backgrounds than Board - all to do with the manufacturing process apparently, because Multi is crushed by the ball bearings for longer in the 'tube' than Board finish which enables it to retain water particles for longer and so can be used on a wider variety of backgrounds. ??? I asked them if I could do a factory tour to see how they manufacture plasters - got to ring head office in Loughborough apparently to organise, but would be quite interesting I reckon.

I live in loughborough and i have been and the tour isnt great mate tbf!
napper83 said:
oh gollygosh i onlyhad half a bag of multi an half baord today and they got mixed together will my wall fall off ::) ::)

I'd have no problem mixing them like that but I wouldn't want to put one over the other in case the top set quicker than the first coat :(
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