Minimum Render thickness

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Little help here ...

Got a dividing wall to render, its up steps and varies from 1 course to 7 courses high, 10ft long max - single brick with ridgeback coping 114mm wide on top, obviously I want to keep the render under the lip of the coping. Should I put on a very thin scratch then a really thin top or just one coat it. The stuff I've hacked off was a mixture of both.
my guess would be to make a real weak mix, say 7:1 or maybe 12:1:1 (or 5:1/2:1/2) and just one coat it thin..
you can always put it on a little thicker most of the wall and cut it back a little at the top being careful not to lose the drip but its only a garden wall innit..
i'd two coat it tight as you can get away with and use lime in both coats ......explain it to the customer if the course of the blocks shows through
Its front of house so it needs to be reasonable ... mind you anything would be better than the tat I took off. I'll try a weak thin coat and see how it sits, not doing anything until after the cold snap buggers off though, phucking cold in the wind today.
alternatavely you could work some flexc cement into the price :)
while eatin a cheese n jam sarnie naked :o Fookin scared me for life you t**t , every time missus gives me a cuddle all i can think about is a naked blonde haired cheese n jam eatin spread wi a massive darby, :-[ fookin shakin like shiettin dog :'(
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