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New Member
as far as doin are job..we are messy people..rite?
i try 2 sheet the rooms out keep doors and frames wiped down..take everything outa the rooms
but still im allways told by the boss im 2 messy? dust sheets allways make more dust 4 me!

any hints on keepin clean...
as far as doin are job..we are messy people..rite?
i try 2 sheet the rooms out keep doors and frames wiped down..take everything outa the rooms
but still im allways told by the boss im 2 messy? dust sheets allways make more dust 4 me!

any hints on keepin clean...
your workin with bags of dust,not much you can do
were do you mix  at eddie?
right where im working,it can be kept down to a minimum but dust does get to places even when sealed up,this is the messiest job in the building trade and if thats explained before hand there isnt usually a prob,altho you do come across the occasional female(ooo eh)that will complain,there the ones with the wimpy husband standing behind them :)
speakin of that a did a room for me mother who has O.C.D in cleaning a barely made any mess but she see`s mess that no man wud see ;D ;D
thing u skim a big celing..then by the end of the day all the smim on the dust sheet turns 2 crumbs then end up on the floor ect...water splashers over walls and doors unless u have a fulltime cleaner u aint got much luck
We did a dpc job on Wednesday, told woman to empty room as it was going to be messy, you should of seen her face when i told her i was going to put cement mixer in middle of room! I was'nt joking, tarp down, hose in the window. Mix where you're working!
I was skimming an open plan kitchen diner lounge and well the kitchen didnt need skimming but the owner was there cleaning all day, I then fell off me hop up and splat a whole hawk ful of gear right across the kitchen.... How I sat in the van and cried with laughter

We did a dpc job on Wednesday, told woman to empty room as it was going to be messy, you should of seen her face when i told her i was going to put cement mixer in middle of room! I was'nt joking, tarp down, hose in the window. Mix where you're working!
Smooth...very smooth. I like your style  8-)
I was doing a job the other week re-skiming a dinning room above the dado rail, only problem was below it had just been decorated and had brand new carpets put down, took most of the morning just to sheet the room out, went well not a single mark on the carpet, customer very happy
Why is it when you do a job with dust sheets down the skim will find the the bit where the carpet is showing its amazing will completly miss the dust sheets and splat the carpet :( Luckily even with carpets down a little bit of skim will come off quite easy once dried
skim pain tile stuff it all get anywere u dnt want it..
iv got a real funny one next week iv skimed all the livin room now they want me 2 paint the romm out..all gd yea
sept the catch is they dnt want me to use a roller..
BRUSH only ?brush all walls a celings?
why the **** would any one like that affect!!
i guess ill wipe my feet before i leave and crap in the sink and piss in the atic?
i duno wot she will ask 4 next
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