your workin with bags of dust,not much you can doas far as doin are job..we are messy people..rite?
i try 2 sheet the rooms out keep doors and frames wiped down..take everything outa the rooms
but still im allways told by the boss im 2 messy? dust sheets allways make more dust 4 me!
any hints on keepin clean...
right where im working,it can be kept down to a minimum but dust does get to places even when sealed up,this is the messiest job in the building trade and if thats explained before hand there isnt usually a prob,altho you do come across the occasional female(ooo eh)that will complain,there the ones with the wimpy husband standing behind themwere do you mix  at eddie?
Smooth...very smooth. I like your style ÂWe did a dpc job on Wednesday, told woman to empty room as it was going to be messy, you should of seen her face when i told her i was going to put cement mixer in middle of room! I was'nt joking, tarp down, hose in the window. Mix where you're working!