They're not really............ I lied 
But what are you like about trade names and trusted brands?
Do you only buy Marshalltown, Tyzac or Spear and Jackson or do you just buy anything?
Saying a trusted name like Mercedes were to introduce a new trowel would it make you want to try it?
Mercedes make quality vehicles, thats a fact, but they are expensive which is another fact.
What sways you............ quality or price?

But what are you like about trade names and trusted brands?
Do you only buy Marshalltown, Tyzac or Spear and Jackson or do you just buy anything?
Saying a trusted name like Mercedes were to introduce a new trowel would it make you want to try it?
Mercedes make quality vehicles, thats a fact, but they are expensive which is another fact.
What sways you............ quality or price?