Mastering Plastering DVD Course: How Is It?

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New Member
Anyone have any opinions on the Mastering Plastering DVD Course?

Mastering Plastering DVD Course: How Is It?
dont think ive ever heard anyone ask os many questions :-/ gold trowel spy are we ah?
when i think about it that looks just like it would give you an idea of how it works over here...all depends on you bein able to get the same materials though....if they do an american buy that one... ;)
all those years wasted doing an apprentership when i could have learnt  it all in under 5 minutes,just my luck
Yeah, and for only 20 quid (or something like that :) .)

Seriously, I'm not expecting a DVD tutorial to make me a master plasterer. I was just hoping it might give me enough info to get started making some repairs or have a go at skimming a wall without completely botching it up.
i supose anything is better than nothing tom,shame you couldnt find a spread that would give you a couple of days, better than any dvd
good luck with it mate, if you do make it as a spread dont brag about learning from a dvd.

you will get ripped to shreds IF u make it on to a site
i supose anything is better than nothing tom,shame you couldnt find a spread that would give you a couple of days, better than any dvd
I will probably still do that anyway (or too.) There aren't a lot of plasterers around here, but I'll scout around and make them an offer they can't refuse--to labor for cheap, or free if neccessary--for a day or two.
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