Master jedi

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Well-Known Member
Ive been to see my old boss today ,the guy that tault me my trade , haven't seen the guy for about 8 years and i was in his area so just took a chance that he still leaved at the same address , he has lost loads of weight and i have put it on ;D

We were chatting away he has put on a extention to his house which he did hiself "totally" well expect the scaffolding ;D which doesn't surprise me he knows so much ,computers ,photography you name it he knows about it . He cant do much anymore though cause the grip in his fingers is not strong and he has osteoporosis in one arm he was surprised that the money in the game hadn't changed much and the fact that no one uses s&c much no more but then again he blamed that stuff for killing his arms. He looked well and his dad was still around so it looks good for the future of old spreads ;D i did try to buy his and his dads old trowels and tools but no go there but you cant blame me for trying :D im glad he was in and it was nice to go over the passed and still smile he said that i was the best labourer he and his dad had cause i turned up every day and wasnt a drugie ;D ;D thanks Mike ::)
how old was he church the chap who taught me was 67 and ate it up like the other druggies/alchoholics ;D
I don't really know mate Ive never asked him but id say around 55 but straight as a dye no smoking,drinking and drug taking surprising or what :o
How long was you with him mate? I think i done about 6 years with my old man then went off on my own but ended back with him about a year before he died and he was still spreading when he was 64 hope im not ;D
About 10 years in all i think, a couple of years just labouring for him / his dad ,then the rest just labouring / putting on after his dad retired, sorry to hear about your dad mate ive lost my old man to still hurts like fook dont it ?
Yeah i know what you mean 5 years now, you never forget but it gets easier with time, its funny i wasnt really thinking about him alot lately but i was in the pub last night and bumped into an old mate and the first thing he said was hows your old man :o he got quite upset when i told him he was dead.
Been with an old boy for 2 weeks now,he's 61 just refurbed a shop out,gutted it,bricked doorways and windows up bonded out,board and dabbed out main shop area and skimmed the lot out,i'm only a newbe but by the time ive just started layin on,he's up behind me banging it on like f..k,tel ya he's like a racing snake.
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