Marshalltown Stilts Any Good?

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Was thinking about getting a pair of stilts for ceiling work, and wondered if MT are as good as anything else on the market? I know u can get the all-singing/dancing carobyn models but then we're talking £300+.

I want to spend £200 max as I wouldn't be using them everyday. I often find that i'm just a few inches too short to work on a low ceiling while standing on a few beer crates, and i'm sick of going up and down stepladders!

Ideally, I should set up a rig of scaffolding planks, but its not really worth lugging all the gear up to a bedroom for 10m2.



PS - Where is the cheapest place to buy MT Alum. hawks?
i recently bought some stilts from screw fix. set me back 200 quid but am happy with them. took a bit of getting used to but worth the money as there fully adjustable.
you feel like a tree going over, nothing you can do. never use them again, i dont think it a be long beofore there banned onsite. if you think about it, your walking round with a razor sharp trowel in your hands.
i use mt skywalkers and would not be without them i got mine from ebay im sure they were about 200 quid i couldnt go back to up and down a ladder but that may change if i was ever to fall off
my mate got his out on a rush job, kitchen had to be nailed first that day and there were people and leads all over the place..

after i caught the bloke about three times i told him to get upstairs where he couldnt fall over anything and did the rest off the hop up..

alright if your in a padded cell...

i dont rate em though... maybe for 3m ceilings but thats it..
(i am a shortarse though ;))
i was doing some large cellings bout 5 m high and i hired a tower scaffold on wheels and it had a motor so you pressed the joy stick and of she went lets just say there wasnt alot of skimming done but alot of fun was had running over the chippys ;D ;D
Bought mine 3yrs ago, love em, i'd say go for a cheap pair off e-bay though, see how you get on with em first, kind of a marmite thing. Keep em clean. (like your balls)
i got a pair used once for sale. i dont think there MT but cant remember. would sell them for 140 plus postage what ever it worked out at
Fell off my MT's first time I ever used them, made sure to throw the trowel away as I went down. As I laided on the floor in agony there was this awkward 35m2 ceiling looking back at me needing trowelling so just had to pick myself up dust myself down and get back on them. I've used them a fair bit now over the years but have never fallen off again.
if youre using them everyday youre nuts if you dont go for the best.............grand knows a good pair there 370 ish i think but are the dogs.................stay away from marsh 2's there uncomfy and mine have already started to fall apart other than that really good ???
Got a pair of MT Skywalkers for sale used once,didn't get on with them,cost mr £200.00 8 months ago,will sell for £75.00 + P&P.
I had the Yellow MTs which were crap, ive got the silver ones now there ok, tend not to use stilts much though, prefer working off a bench but will use them if i have to.
I've got Durastilts. Paid £85 secondhand off Ebay from a plasterer that wore them once, crapped himself, and put them in the garage. I wouldn't be without them.
pftmonojetman said:
I had the Yellow MTs which were crap, ive got the silver ones now there ok, tend not to use stilts much though, prefer working off a bench but will use them if i have to.

Jetman I've got the yellow MT's what difference is there to the silver ones?
Serious though the yellow ones i had were a bit crappy compered to the silver ones ive got now mean they were uncomfortable around the calfs and the straps were poo frayed like buggery, saying that they never owed me a penny, they were knackered when i got rid though.
So just to clarify, I need to buy some silver stilts from Carobyn and paint them bright yellow to bring them up to HSE standards............I'll get straight on to it
essexandy said:
So just to clarify, I need to buy some silver stilts from Carobyn and paint them bright yellow to bring them up to HSE standards............I'll get straight on to it
Correct ;D ;D ;D
the cheap yellow ones are chinese imports they are a bag of cack thats why they are cheap go for quality durastilts been they were one of thefirst to bring stilts out
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