marshall town trowel dragging - can it be saved?

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New Member
Morning Chaps,

recently had to buy a new trowel as my marshalltown has started to drag badly and not producing a good finish. is there anyway to fix this as it never used to drag? Was wondering if a bit of rendering with it may help it out a bit?? Don't want to get rid as it's only a couple of years old and cost £50!!

When you say draggin do you mean lines across the plaster or the whole width of the trowel against the plaster?
Could use rough sand paper to get out any light imperfections or even better a diamond sharpening block. Try doin some floors with it.
It's pulling the plaster from the wall - almost as if you've put the top coat on before the first coat has set enough!! Was thinking a bit of screeding might sort it - ironic that the £12 trowel I've worked in now is doing a much better job and giving a tidy finish!!

Thanks for the advise!
try a belt sander if you have one . i turn it upside down and leave it running on continious you can sand anything out then :)
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