marmorit noblo

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just use it the same as conni. Its far easier imo, nicer material and you don't need to scrape fuckk outa it before you trowel it over. It always blooms when its dry so wont look its best until painted. The g4 will mix it and spray it which is very quick. use a d43 and an 8mm cap
cheers ian

was gonna mix and lay by hand rather then use the machine.

so you just mix it as wet as conni and lay as normal ???
Does it go off and scar as quick as they are quite big panels
Its easier than conni to lay but it does set quicker which you need. i have done 1 panel which came out wrong and cant see where we went wrong (maybe moving towers took longer than i realised) this time of year you will prefer it. Mix it up in old conni buckets if you got them. Easier to handle and gives you a good guide for mixing
Honestly rich you will avaiod conni after noblo. plus its wayyyy cheaper
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