Makita Autofeed Screw Gun 240 or 110?

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Alryt Lads, just after some advice please...

Ive got the opportunity to get a new Makita Autofeed Screw Gun for cheap, since im not going to be working on site would you suggest getting the 240 or would the 110 be enough?

If it's that cheap, at least you won't be too angry with yourself when it constantly jams.
I was told by a sparky that as long as its got rcd protection its good enough!! I guess he was pulling my pisser then?:RpS_cursing:
I would have thought that having a rcd is a better protection that 110?
It might be im not a spark but all tools ive used on site are 110 maybe the machine boys might be different for their machines.
Ive got both i bought them off a mate a few years ago and i never use the cordless the batteries dont last 2 mins especially with 50s or above. Used to have the senco ones but they constantly jammed.
Ive got both i bought them off a mate a few years ago and i never use the cordless the batteries dont last 2 mins especially with 50s or above. Used to have the senco ones but they constantly jammed.

the li ion last well or mine does anyway.
i've got 3 batteries and will never use more 2 in a day and they charge in 22 mins.
**** using corded if you can afford battery.
i would go for 110 if your going to have power the cordless hasnt got much punch but there ok if your house bashing and you have no generator
i remember reading on here that alot of sites say 110 but legally you are allowed 240 with an rcd
thing is steve when it is company policy to have no 240 you can argue with them all day but it is there job and what says goes its frustrating at times i know ive bin there and tied to purswade companies but to no avail mate
i know what you're saying mate. i've got everything 110 anyway. although when im doing domestics i do think 'why the **** havent i got a seperate 240 mixer' when ive gotta hump a tranny up 3 flights of stairs
If it's that cheap, at least you won't be too angry with yourself when it constantly jams.

mines never jammed..

and as far as not taking anything above 50mm screws, they do, you just looking at the wrong ones, I got a 240v one and it takes 45-75mm, shame they dont do one that does the whole range!
yeah freerider got it today i bought the 110 and it takes 45-75mm i can not grumble for £70 brand new
70quid mate, well cheap! I wouldnt complain and I paid a couple of hundred, think they are awesome tools!

customers seem to love em when they see you using it, makes you look proper pro.. ;) haha
I have had problems with the makita jamming every 10 mins. I have a hilti now and have no such problems
get a battery gun u wont be tripping over the leads 2 chippys where im working been doing the boarding for the builder and he bought them a 110 just like the other guy said got to lug transformer around and both said to me keep f**kin tripping on the lead unless u tuck it behind ear chippys can do that u see always got big ear built for the purpose just remove pencil first
i hear the SMD57 hilti collater is top dog for not jamming etc but i've got the older SMI 55 plus collater so buggered if i know :RpS_laugh:
cant beat the simco guns ive had one near 4 years batteries can be bought no probs albeit they change the design now and again u will have to get the 18 v if u want to fire in the 55mm and dont clean with plus gas or wd 40 they just need s**t blowing out with air hose if u live near a garage
110v always for me for my own safety more than anything else.As for lugging a heavy transformer around.You only need a small tranny not the big 3.5kw ones unless ur running lots of chained lights battery chargers heaters other leads .Cordless is good now days with lithium batterys 3 max will last you all day under most circumstances.
Im more and more going cordless with all my kit inc circular saws jigsaws sds drills impact drivers with 8 batterys i have them all one 110v also if more power needed.
If you got big tranny once it on site leave it there til job finished.if you only need a couple of mixes just use a paddle to save u lugging it around
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