Making a mold

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New Member
I need to take a mold of some intricate artex plaster work so that I can replicate it.
I have never done this before, and don't know where to start.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
If youve never done this before ,dont take a sample if possible and ring it to a mould shop,or have one of those fancy plasterers come out and let them take the mould from the cornice in sittu
Go to an art shop and get yourself some clay and take a mould yourself if its only a bit that might help and TP sell casting plaster.
As Spreads said take a profile (use floorboard saw) then take to a fibrous shop.
if you're not 100% confident then call them in to get the profile,as you've called it 'intricate artex plaster work' i'd asume you won't be.
It isn't cornicing. It's a floral artex pattern with a very crisp, evenly spaced boarder around it.
It must have Bren done with a mould or a template originally.
The boarder looks like

And profile is only about a millimetre deep too.
No mate. Wish I had taken some now tho!!!!

Is clay the only thing you can use to make a mould? I think I need something like a plaster that will set to the profile, but not bond to it????
if you greese the (floral artex pattern) be for taking the mould it will not stick to it the greese will act like a barrier to prevent adesion.
to take a squeeze brush some lard or tallow from plumbing shop into section of cornice not to thick and rub in well then butter some casting plaster on when set pull it away if its very decorative you will get undercuts which wont come out cleanly then just take some pics and bring to a fibre shop
Its called ornate plasterwork ,or ornate moulding ,doubt very much you will be able if you havent done it before ,unless its your own house dont fcuk about with it ,phone the local mould shop,they will tell you what it will cost ,otherwise you could fcuk it up and it will end up costing hundreds.By the sounds of it ,these pieces are individually cast and individually set in place on the cornice or ceiling with casting plaster.
if you greese the (floral artex pattern) be for taking the mould it will not stick to it the greese will act like a barrier to prevent adesion.

I understand what your saying GDS,but he has never attempted this before ,so it is unlikely that he will get a proper reverse mould from something that intricate.
No more clay ....Im sure it is still used ,but if I ever need to copy a mold or "take a squeeze" which is what you are asking ...look at this
Brush-Onâ„¢ Series High Tear Strength Brushable Urethane Rubber | Silicone Rubber, Urethane Rubber, Liquid Plastic, Casting Resin, Lifecasting, Epoxy Resin, Rigid and Flexible Foam from Smooth-On

you can get brush on urethanes which is what you would use here ...right up to pourable silicones...tons of videos ...just an all around good product and site .

I fyou havent done this before is best to get someone in that has ....easy to b*ll***s up and harder to fix.
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