magnet pva for a fiver..

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went to magnet to check out this new stock..
not doing multi but theyre doin bonding? fiver plus vodka
boards are ok tho... 2.70 6x3x1/2", 8x4's are 3.89
plus vat tho
cls 1.29 and 1.85, 2.4 lengths..
mdf skirt - 5"(nearly) 5.10 for a 4.2m length..torus and ogee..
30min fire door 16 quid
4 and 6 panel hardboard doors - tenner..
door linings 7.50...
mdf sheet 8x4x3/4 11 quid

pva is a fiver...
wouldnt risk it tho, some contractor plus stuff in a blue tub, might as well have took 2.5 litres of wickes pva and added 2.5 litres of water...
its that thin it doesnt gloop out the tub it pours out like p'ss..
needs to go on near enuff neat..

beads - they want 2quid + vat for 3m thincote..
dont do 2.4 beads, dont do multi, dont do boardy...that could be peterborough only tho..
shame really..
The Magnet in my manor (Dudley, not the East End :)) has multi and bonding and a load of other stuff. The beads are 90p plus vat. The PVA is £4.99 plus vat and decent stuff from bondit. Multi is £3.40 plus vat. The prices aren't fixed and you can pay more in one Magnet store than you would in another. They also said they would beat Selco (cheapest place for boards round these parts) prices and told me to ring for a price rather than just go by their price list. Just a guide apparently!

The rep told me that many stores were out of pva etc as some branches (the London area mainly) had ordered ridonkulous amounts from bondit and the company now has a surplus running into ££££millions! This had lead to a blanket ban on any further orders by any Magnet stores for the time being. It's worth trying them as each store operates differently :)
The Magnet branch in my Manor are pretty good, stock boardy and multi for £3.35 plus VAT, Bond-it PVA for £4 plus VAT.

1800 x 900 x 12.5 boards for £2.40 plus VAT.

I find youve got the be a bit up front with them, they are flexible on price and will charge what they want, I check invoice for prices cos they tend to feck up and charge more than agreed.
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