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is there a machine made that sprays finish plaster on to boards
PFT Ritmo or MTEC M100, These are Mixer pumps, others you can get you have to mix finish first then pour it in a hopper then spray ,waste of time
Yeah i have my own machine and use scratch renders and OCR cant beat it, Inside i use it for floating Hardwall and tough coat
i saw a 4 and 1 gang using one on site recently...awesome piece of kit, what sort of meterage can you get on in a day pftmonojetman? (float and set)
Depends mate on how long your willing to work,start at 7-30 set up machine ect spray til 11ish clean out rub up, then skim (by hand finish wont go through a 3 phase machine). finish about 2-30 fill barrels ect away for 3ish done about 80 or so meters 2 of us obviously a bit more if theres another lad with you, 80m2 x £6 not bad but you dont always get runs like that as you know.
Only doin renders with it really now pal.
hello mate id like to pick your brains a bit if you dont mind.I only do external but this last year or so a few jobs ive done should have been machine applied,iwas sent on a course to use the machine and get the general idea ,what id like to know what sort of metres you can and my mate did some big panels of webber mono 7.6m high by5mlong staight to block,no scratch so it was two hand passes,how many metres could you do on a steady day ?
Rough estimate 1 bag a minute applied, so 30m2 in half hour you get the picture mate,man behind you with the rule, one man filling the machine.
thats some yards,any idea were i could take a look at this sort machine online price wise.thnx
having this arguement at work yesterday lads.
we are on site with loads of spreads they all know how to use this machine, me an my mate dont.
we get there at 7 the others at 7:30, theres only me an him no labourer.
basically by the time they get in set this machine up and start spraying we have got 20m2 on of hardwall.
by 12 we have around 60-70 on.
those machine are prone to break down, i can accept that it would throw more on than me.
but it takes at least 3 lads, it struggles to dub out, makes a right mess and can let u down. plus i have found that ppl will just throw the hardwall on then not bother skimming it up for a few days because theres more money in the hardwall, therefor the suction is stupid.
each to their own like but i a prefer the good old fashioned way by hand.
and i have dragged just under a grand this week so i will stick to traditional ways thank you
You say machines are prone to breaking down, no more than your whisk, when you know how to use them there easy mate im not trying to convert you because you say you prefere to hand ball it on, struggle to dub out i dont think so it can put nearly 25mm on in one pass depending how fast your moving the hose, i use one easily with only two of us, You have to skim the same day as you say the suction gets a bit much.I dont know what your plasterers are sprayin but theres no more mess than manual labour If you can make a G a week by hand your doin something right fair play to you mate.
can u hire those machines? just thinking 6k is a lot if you cant justify it but if the weekly hire is reasonable its prolly gonna be worth it for a full house refurb/newbuild...
god they know how to price these people dont they?? i could get a 1.5 ton mini digger for that!
still...about the same as a powerfloat i suppose, and i'd pay that if i had metrage of concrete...
like i say mate its first time i have seen 1, and its broke down 2-3 times a week.
the guys who run it are not the brightest so i suppose u could get 2 on it and they get it everywhere.
i would like to have a go but being on price u cant stop and start looking round it to work out how to switch it on
each to their own
a joddy could be good for you mac if you dont want a labourer
there was a tidy one on ebay went for £700 not too long ago
pft have you had much experience with a ritmo? are they 110v or do you need a transformer etc ?
a joddy could be good for you mac if you dont want a labourer
there was a tidy one on ebay went for £700 not too long ago
pft have you had much experience with a ritmo? are they 110v or do you need a transformer etc ?
I hav'nt used the ritmo yet but am looking to get one in the near future, There are 110v ritmos these are for skimming i belive
there is a 240v which will spray mono rend aswell bit more bite, you`d have to use a generator with an inverter if you took it on site.
a joddy could be good for you mac if you dont want a labourer
there was a tidy one on ebay went for £700 not too long ago
pft have you had much experience with a ritmo? are they 110v or do you need a transformer etc ?
I hav'nt used the ritmo yet but am looking to get one in the near future, There are 110v ritmos these are for skimming i belive
there is a 240v which will spray mono rend aswell bit more bite, you`d have to use a generator with an inverter if you took it on site.

I have one for sale it has been used for one contract I am asking £700.00 for it
a joddy could be good for you mac if you dont want a labourer
there was a tidy one on ebay went for £700 not too long ago
pft have you had much experience with a ritmo? are they 110v or do you need a transformer etc ?
I hav'nt used the ritmo yet but am looking to get one in the near future, There are 110v ritmos these are for skimming i belive
there is a 240v which will spray mono rend aswell bit more bite, you`d have to use a generator with an inverter if you took it on site.

I have one for sale it has been used for one contract I am asking £700.00 for it
Joddy Mixer
a joddy could be good for you mac if you dont want a labourer
there was a tidy one on ebay went for £700 not too long ago
pft have you had much experience with a ritmo? are they 110v or do you need a transformer etc ?
I hav'nt used the ritmo yet but am looking to get one in the near future, There are 110v ritmos these are for skimming i belive
there is a 240v which will spray mono rend aswell bit more bite, you`d have to use a generator with an inverter if you took it on site.
can you use it for h/wall on the 110v mate? ........i like the idea it looks nice and portable and saves lugging the genny round ........but it'd be nice to have a machine to spray outside too ::)
110v is for skimming and betokontact that kind of stuff, and there a bit dearer, you want a 240v all singing and dancing, Render, float and skimming, but like i said its a 240v so its a genny with an invertor for site work, Must say i got a bit exited when i saw £700 shame it was'nt a ritty eh :(
sorry mate bear with me could you give us a bit more info on setting them up ? is it a petrol genny then that goes into the inverter then do you run a lead from the inverter to the ritmo? also what does all this cost mate?
sorry mate bear with me could you give us a bit more info on setting them up ? is it a petrol genny then that goes into the inverter then do you run a lead from the inverter to the ritmo? also what does all this cost mate?
You'd have no problem on a domestic house run off the mains,
site youd have a petrol genny able to power a 240 machine not the big 3 phase things
and a safety cut out switch, not entirely certain never done it, ive no idea on price mate, not cheap though, but get the work and your quids in imo ;)
cheers mate i remember looking at the ritmo a while back and was thinking of spending 200 per month on a loan so 40m would cover the costs ...........havent a clue of the genny or inverter though?
how do the 3 phase machines work are these the big boys for external work ....................
i like the idea of the ritmo though they look nice and portable and and you are right mate they should pay for themselves and a bit more as long as the h/wall keeps coming in ..........mmmmmmmm tempting ;)
looking round their website they do training courses for spray plastering as well. what do you reckon jetman, do a course or try to get in with a gang doing it?
Sprayin is a piece of piss just overlap the bands, the courses are for running the machines,water settings cleaning out and trouble shooting like changing the rotor and stator and
what happens if theres a problem stuff like that, they might show you how to finish mp75 but if you can float and skim you can do it anyway, like render the machine will put it on, but everything else is already what you know.If you get a good gang of lads together there is work there for it, because you will be favoured as its quicker and more cost effective to developers.By the way that MTEC M100 is £4600 (£5405 inc VAT.)
Pug,been on a course,they dont show u a lot,it was company payed,not worth paying out of your own pocket,better to slip pft a drink and work with him for a day,better than any course!
3 days intensive training courses offered on pft g4 ,250 pounds .any one interested then make your own minds up on machine work.pft monojet you from yorkshire area
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