machine prices?

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Well-Known Member
i probably only do around a dozen mono jobs per year,so how much would a basic machine(used)cost for me?can you use the same machine to spray sand & cement?
how big are the mono jobs in m2 ? if just normal houses with 1-200 m2 each i wouldnt bother with a machine... but if you have big areas such as factory walls get one asap as good machine will lash it on... but be prepared to make sure you can finish what you have put on... as mono is a t**t to finish this time of the year... you could be left with 1-200m2 on a wall rubbing it up at midnight in the snow... been there done that... never again...
No No No, this time of year you start spraying it on about 12 and rub it up next morning, summer you lay on in the morning and rub it up in the afternoon,. as for only get one if you have big factory's to do. what a load crap. I got the machine out the other day and sprayed about 40m2. Me and Stu can be spraying it on the wall wll before someone doing it by hand will even have the first gauge mixed and the machine will stick on around 35m2 and hour so work it out. If you dont dont do renders full time or the jobs are smaller then get something like a monojet, Grandwiz of here has the mono , ask him about it. you will be able to use it for hardwall, mono, ocr, onecoat plasters.
simplybesty said:
No No No, this time of year you start spraying it on about 12 and rub it up next morning, summer you lay on in the morning and rub it up in the afternoon,. as for only get one if you have big factory's to do. what a load crap. I got the machine out the other day and sprayed about 40m2. Me and Stu can be spraying it on the wall wll before someone doing it by hand will even have the first gauge mixed and the machine will stick on around 35m2 and hour so work it out. If you dont dont do renders full time or the jobs are smaller then get something like a monojet, Grandwiz of here has the mono , ask him about it. you will be able to use it for hardwall, mono, ocr, onecoat plasters.

Simply I can't believe you are questioning Renders wisdom he's "been there done that and has a wardrobe full of t-shirts", shame on you >:(
you only hate it if you cant do it. Its like the spreads who say they hate laying screed but the truth is, they cant do it.
true i hate skimming are you getting on simps are you getting anything on with the weather an all ?
me and simps was lucky this week we banged on a 60m hit and it absolutly hammered it down about an hour later and rained solid for most of the night , was pooping my pants on the way to work next day , but it was all ok
i love screeding, used to screed about 100m2 a day and loved it. never had a problem with knees. I wasnt worried but im hard. ;D ;D ;D
there aint enough of a window in this poxy weather to dry the blocks out to spray without the risk of limebloom down here!! doin my ed in mush
£5.50 is cheap!!

people round my way charge £8-10 p/m min

also, i sprayed bout 40m base rend over pre rend yesterday morn, came back this morning and was still rubbing up at 3!
i dont anyone on that nick on labour only, I can screeders for £4m2 , they might be getting 8 for the small one off but not on regular contracts and new sites .
no didnt mean on site work.
i no my old boss charges £12 p/m and he does mainly extensions, a couple of blocks of flats a yr and probably about 10-15 houses.

i think his guys charge him £8. thats all labour only.

i dont no very much about proper site prices... where bouts u from? his works mainly st albans, harpenden, welwyn areas
Basildon, well thats an eye opener, we popped into asda to find the rozzers taking away some chav who had tried to to have away £200 of meat according to stacey on the check out, then as we got into the store there was this bloke in shorts with a gas mask on talking to the veg. then we noticed a big notice saying if you buy 2 packs of pasties you get them for £2. when scot looked at the price of the packs there only a £1 each so we came to the conclusion we were in essex and there all thick as f**k and cant add up ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
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