Looking for a start

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New Member
Hi guys im looking for a start in leicester area, have been plastering for about a year on my own, mostly onto boards, but have done wet backing/patching etc. Been a chippy for last 3 years, lots of experience on sites/private work etc.


I wish i was getting 50 aday after 1 years plastering i was only on 60 a week for 3 years then my money only went up to 150 a week so that was only 30 a day after 3 years, i dont think i started earning good money until about 5 years in, and i wouldnt say it was good money only comfortable.
£60 a week ??????????????what the fook was you thinking? i pay my bitch 50 aday and ive only been plasterering for 1 year my self....straight out of gold trowel never worked for another plasterer for more than 1 week..
I wish i was getting 50 aday after 1 years plastering i was only on 60 a week for 3 years then my money only went up to 150 a week so that was only 30 a day after 3 years, i dont think i started earning good money until about 5 years in, and i wouldnt say it was good money only comfortable.
a dont know why you didnt just go onto site or start on your own
my lab earns nmw and sometimes i dont think he even deserves that, were all a different breed and a good labourer will 9/10 become a good spread
i was on 35 a day for a year and it took me nearly five years to get 120, i moaned like mad when i'd get put with a lad and i was covering the same as him when skimming but i was always the one bringing in screed or mixing render because i couldn't do it
thats why he earns the decent day rate ..........if you go too soon it could backfire :-/
Thats the trouble nowadays kids come into the trade hoping to earn loads staight away but plastering is a craft that takes dedication and skill i dont think people should come into this trade only because they skim a little wall and think they can demand a high rate of pay put alot of them onto price and they will struggle i personally think it takes 5 years to become a proper spread as it takes time to understand the different situations that they dont teach you at college only hands on experiance can teach you. Plus i was earning 60 a week 18 years ago and most of my mates were doing yts and only getting 35 a week and i was only 15 so it was alot of money to me then..... One thing i do know is YOU WILL NEVER BECOME RICH AS A PLASTERER.......unless you win the lottery :)
i can't agree enough mate, now try telling this to joe bloggs public who think 200 a day is too steep...........you get what you pay for  :) ........... or do you :-?.................
Jesus when i started 20 years ago i got £29.50 a week thanks to Maggie, and you had to graft like a compleat nobhead there was`nt many opportunities about then, work was quiet. Looking back though i served my time, just right. :) :) :)
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