looking at a barn conversion job at the mo

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that has already been rendered by someone but the owner is not happy. its blown in alot of places and there are so many colours where different mixes of SandC have been used, some of wich looks very orange and the guy said most of the time he was using the red building sand from the general pile of sand being used on the extension etc. owner also said it was done over winter.
(in my head I am thinking - this all needs to come off and be done again)

everything the guy has told me about how they done the job spells out disaster and I hjave no faith in the suitability level of the render. The other gang are to return cut back the blown and patch repair. He then wants me to apply an acrylic texture thin coat over the whole lot to hide the bad. (he cant just paint as the walls are all over the show it will look like a witches t1t) So.... I went down to do a sample with a 1.5mm texture and guess what its not going on well because hi and low spots (guys you nknow from experience with a tight 1.5mm the surface must be spot on) so i got all the usual issues heavy in parts and bald patches in others plus when rubbing the texture up i noticed the render breaking down and opening up back to the orange backroung even the slightest of rubs breaks the surface.

I am thinking the only way to cover is to blast it with tyrolean (i know i know, its like a swear word but what else can i do) anyone had this before
talk him into taking the lot off John and explain what'll happen if he doesnt.... I have been in that situation before and told them if they wanna keep it not to slam any doors cause the whole lot might shell off.

he is better off doing it properly now rather then painting it, carpets etc and moving in !

I know but what a blow that is gonna be for him plus it becomes a mega cost job. he prob paid this punk a couple of grand for the whole lot so he aint gonna take a proper jobs price worth from me imagine knock off loads of dubbing then a full set? He looked worried when i told him he needed a full scaff. the other punk must av used an ally tower
Im not up on these renders cos i dont like the finish on them and think there s**t but that said could you not put something like the stoarmat classic over the sand and cement with a mesh in it then top coat ?
jut be totally honet mate, tell him he can either pay you to do the thin coat now, then come and take it off and do it again later down the line, or take it off now, do it properly and do it once, your saving him money in the long run
Oh no mate the thin coat acrylic will not be going on not by me. my test panel shown it to unsuitable.
tyrolean would bond to the background plus hide nmost of his imperfections. then its just a case of if the render fails its down to the other bloke. tyrolean is like more cement going on but hiding some sins. I just feel sorry for the guy like and wish there was another solution.

you know if you use the premium modern renders like i do on a daily basis and see the results of a proper job then putting tyrolean on is like sacralidge but needs must situation
ive got to be honest, ive done loads of tyroleaning and its f**k**g horrible. i see what your saying but if you explain to him that theirs is likely to fail then if hes got any sense he'll get you to take it off now and start from scratch. rather that than get it all tyroleaned, it fall off and have to do it all again.
Do it your way or just walk away from it. Something else always turns up. You dont
need the hassle that will go with it. Good luck ;D
people will never learn will they .cheap jobs nearly all end in tears ,id rip it off and do it proper for him
whats the matter with tyrolean ???.............ask him jife if he doesnt mind tyrolean then crack on and if he really wants an acrylic finish he'll have to start again, theres nothing out there to straighten bad render is there ?
madmonk said:
would he not pay for a base coat with mesh then acrylic it will still look crap even with tyro on it

It would be to heavy then and the problem lies in the render that is on the wall it seems to be breaking down with little effort. the last thing i want is to throw another whole system over it. its 35mm thick in places and about 8mm in others plus cracks blows shelling etc
spunky said:
whats the matter with tyrolean ???.............ask him jife if he doesnt mind tyrolean then crack on and if he really wants an acrylic finish he'll have to start again, theres nothing out there to straighten bad render is there ?

I agree, tyrolean is alright...And if you thicken it up you can cover bad render pretty good..
ok mate just tryin to get round it without seeing it its quite difficult to imagine how bad it can be but the sounds of it looks like its been slung on if there is that many deveations in it they will still show through the tyro maybe more of a highbuild put on thicker than normal might do it like nisus says
thats not the only problem though, JFE seems to think the render might fail and doesnt want to charge the bloke to finish it if hes got to take it all off and do the lot again a few months/years down the line. better to start again now i say. if your going to say take it all off or i'm not willing to go over it, at least it shows your honest and thinking about the customers
Did a barn a few years ago,had the same problem,it had to be stripped again. The trouble with these old buildings is that they are mostly located in rural areas and are prone to algee and other fungi in the stone work because they may not have been rendered originally.Anyway it was all hacked off ,painted with S B R and scudded really well with S B R in the scudding.Every inch.Scratched again,twice in places,and floated.Hasnt budged,builder was happy but he should have listened ,as he was told this at the start,but thought S B R was too expensive.Its wasnt as expensive as doing the job twice.
The customer was probably told this originally but saved on the cost of appropriate materials and is now looking for some softy to help him out, do it once and do it right, they have probably have a twenty grand kitchen on order so can't afford to pay for the exterior to be done properly ::)
tyro is really the only cover option i think but I dont have a hopper or comp. I would have to hire them. (I dont fancy hitting it with a crappy flicker box not on elevations this big) Or remove replace (my preffered option) but I think he would just say no to that anyway
Steer clear if he wont have it off and redone, otherwise your putting your name on it and its on your toes if it fails and dont think for one minute if he says carry on i wont blame you, coz he will soon change his mind when it goes pear shaped, either way he has to have it redone.
jife if its not perfect you can explain it too him and if its likely to crack etc just explan it too him, its his house anyway who gives a f**k ???
why dont you SBR the whole lot and put a thin OCR over the top... you could rough the surface up first to provide better key
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