Look at these prices

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Render Systems

Private Member
Ok lads i have been tendering for a company now for 18 months and have now got the go ahead for the following jobs at these rates if i want them...

12,000m2 of skimming in Watford @ £2.50 per m2
Wellingborough skimming 7,000m2 @ £2.25 per m2

I cant believe the prices as they are absolute s**t... but if good skimmers are interested and you live near the jobs then let me know...

It pissses me off just to make £200 a day you have to do 80m2... i can do that without breaking a swet... anyway let me know if any interest... oops and by the way... you will be sub contract to me
might be interested in the wellingborough job steve, its only an hour from me. what type of job is it? houses? school? etc
i dont know mate but i wi;; let you know as soon as i know...

ps. these prices are s**t... i was getting £5- 8 per m2 2 years ago
i know they aren't good mate but if i've got nothing else on then it could be better than nothing. i don't get paid for sitting at home watching jeremy kyle. if its possible to get the metres on then i would be interested. if its all beads and columns then i'm busy :RpS_biggrin:
you can do 80m2 without breaking swet yea cause you can.

what with no labourer ?thats approx 8 bags to fetch ,setup lights drill etc, fetch water, bead ,scrim ,,clean buckets,stop in the middle of spreading re fetch water .remix,put on spot board ,clean buckets start spreading finish it and do it all again twice more.

now im not saying it cant be done as it can but without help it is hard work so to do it without breaking swet dont think so
set up a nice big water but, get all the bags ready, 3 mixes a day, decent sized hits if the job allows it, 80m2 easy
ok just spoke to the guy 1 minute ago... the wellingbourgh job is a hospital... long straight walls... the watford one is a school they are not starting until march this year though... sorry thought they were imminent but the jobs are mine to start... i will post start date up as soon as i get the nod
yes thats what i will pay... £2.50 and £2.25 respectivley would suit someone who can run 3 squads and be on the job start to finish as i would only be there once a week to cough up....
got back home last nite. well early this morn. dun nothing but rain for weeks out there slowed building down big time and we have caught them up. wants us back at end of march but gna try stay in uk if i can. The exchange rate is a bit low atm. so on the hunt for a start. any clue?
got back home last nite. well early this morn. dun nothing but rain for weeks out there slowed building down big time and we have caught them up. wants us back at end of march but gna try stay in uk if i can. The exchange rate is a bit low atm. so on the hunt for a start. any clue?

there u are steve has loads of work for u
i've got 12000m2 skimming for you mate in watford, £2 m2

lol. yeah ill do it. can u take out a big retention please and pay me evry 2 weeks but make me waite 3 weeks for my first pay and make sure its a cheque so i have to waite another week oh and citb u gota take that out i wdnt be happy unless u did. oh and by the way i dnt want my retention back u can keep that :D
lol. yeah ill do it. can u take out a big retention please and pay me evry 2 weeks but make me waite 3 weeks for my first pay and make sure its a cheque so i have to waite another week oh and citb u gota take that out i wdnt be happy unless u did. oh and by the way i dnt want my retention back u can keep that :D

ya and why not sub it out again just to make it really bad for someone else
£2.50 -2.25 I am gald I am not a contractor at them rates and I bet there is 1/2 dozen clerk of jerks snagging the works to ****

true on schools or hospatles there is always clerks of jerks and foremen nagging thats part of site work i worked on a hosptal the boss spent half his time keeping the peace
render systems , what hospital is that in wellingborough i live 2 miles from there , its a big job obviously i could put some local guys on it ,could do a few lads i know a big favour , not bad prices either !
hi merlin not sure what hospital it is, just 12,000 m2 to do... but if you can get a couple of squads and they will work under you and you know there good spreads then i would subby it to you and you run it with others off here that are interested... just see me on thursdays to measure up and friday am to pay
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