Logs me out

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That sounds like a browser issue... its clearing your cookies every time you leave the site so it forgets you have signed in... have you been selecting that little box to remember logins?

Yeah couldbe right Dan i signed into My fun cards on Fb and its been giving me all kinds of probs thing is i cant seem to delete it reckon thats got something to do with it as i keep getting browser change pop ups which are doing my head in
when you login there is a box underneath that says keep me signed in...

Switch browsers and have a play, I use 3 browsers at once at the moment due to all performing differently

that happened to me a few times last week. I click the link in the email to go to the forum and it takes me straight to the thread post in the email but a few times i had to keep logging in :-(. Its fine now though
when you login there is a box underneath that says keep me signed in...

Switch browsers and have a play, I use 3 browsers at once at the moment due to all performing differently

cheers mate ile give it a go
Fine now Dan, logged on with chrome and no probs though i dont like the resolution, my google is corrupted with this fun cards thing of FB found out how to sort it just getting round to it, might see you next month anyway heard Jon is catching a train down South:RpS_wink:
Fine now Dan, logged on with chrome and no probs though i dont like the resolution, my google is corrupted with this fun cards thing of FB found out how to sort it just getting round to it, might see you next month anyway heard Jon is catching a train down South:RpS_wink:
Fine now Dan, logged on with chrome and no probs though i dont like the resolution, my google is corrupted with this fun cards thing of FB found out how to sort it just getting round to it, might see you next month anyway heard Jon is catching a train down South:RpS_wink:

you can zoom in and out with chrome :-)

whos coming down to see me?

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