just wondering if any you lads from the north east i have my own spray machine and from time to time i could do with another pair of hands to give me a hand dont worry if you never used machines before
im from manchester so a bit far but im really interested in getting into machine plastering whereis the best place to go and do you know any website worth checking out cheers murph
used to be a course at manchester tec i went on one about ten years ago but dont waste your money best guy to talk to is les lord from lord and downing he is a mine field of information what he doesnt know about machines isnt worth knowing. they are mainly used for external scratch render and you would need big jobs to make it worth your while. if i can help you in any way i will . good luck
yeah thats right mate i prefer weber to krend the latter seams to be as dead as a dodo no life init just personnel preference really give it a go and keep me posted. doing a private job in 2 weeks its a bungallow we,ll have it sprayed in 4 hrs go back next day scratch it off job done good earner
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