loads of tiny bubbles?

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New Member
just started using wickes bonding agent.

i find it brilliant for killing suction and giving me more time to work but i keep getting lots of tiny bubbles appearing.

do you think im not leaving it to set long enough, been giving it 2 hours max.
should i leave it longer before skimming onto it?
Right mate then what it may be is when you put your first coat on the wall over the adhesive, because it has aggregate in it the skim coat has to go on a bit thicker if its going on too thin you will get what looks like the inside of an aero bar loads of little holes, when you lay it down with the second coat air is trapped in the pockets causing 'blebs' you will have to wait to the end of the set to trowel them out in afraid.
It sounds like rice crispies at breakfast ...lol I let the first coat pick up then when the seccond one goes over its fine.

if you find you get lots of bubbles in the first coat when its ready for 2nd coat keep your trowel as flat as you can when you go over it the last time beffore putting the 2nd coat on. this should flatten the bubbles and preventing them from coming through to the 2nd coat, works for me anyway.

laying on second to early, can also cause tiger stripes too....happens in this time of year as plaster setting slower
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