liquid screed

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Private Member
just been asked about doing 1. 65m x 50mm

what is the easiest way of doing it? getting a lorry load?

any ideas on good companys?

you are gonna need 3.5 cube 190 a cube approx and a big machine to pump it from the truck to the floor and about 2 mins to pump it. If u gona use the ritmo u will need about 7 ton of supaflo bagged 4.30 a bag and about 5-6 hrs to pump it.
But remember you could be waiting ages for the truck to turn up whereas the bagged will be on site.
G5 is a better option for this size and depth
bags are a lot more expensive. what sort of machine would pump from the lorry?

whats the superflow like? is it the best/cheapest stuff?

1200 materials seems a lot for a 65m floor
sprayit said:
you are gonna need 3.5 cube 190 a cube approx and a big machine to pump it from the truck to the floor and about 2 mins to pump it. If u gona use the ritmo u will need about 7 ton of supaflo bagged 4.30 a bag and about 5-6 hrs to pump it.
But remember you could be waiting ages for the truck to turn up whereas the bagged will be on site.
G5 is a better option for this size and depth

Just to let you know Sprayit, we mixed our own screed today using the binder and it was a massive success. The stuff mixed great and end result was perfect. Only 24m2 so not practical for a truck to come 80 miles into the sticks.. Oh and while i remember it's a 2L74...
great news, how did you mix it, what did you need tor mixing. ie indgredients. how much did it cost you per meter
same b pump as usual. TBH the one i used was on its last legs and was ideal for screed cause its like water going down
u should really do a flow test according to what the manufacturer says and that will give u the ideal consistency
naz said:
u should really do a flow test according to what the manufacturer says and that will give u the ideal consistency

Not always as easy on pre bagged. Its expensive and you dont wanna waste it. Its quite easy to get right though if you are familiar with the stuff
never tried bagged stuff, pumped shed loads from a truck i bet its nice to use from a bag
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