limelite renovating plaster


New Member
doing a job were they have asked us to use limelite renovating plaster so the building can breathe?

still never usd this product before its only a small room. i take it we mix up layon backing coat just like normal hardwall? and then apply the limelite renovating plaster finishing coat just like mult? i guess we cant use multi as it does not let it breathe like the limelite renovating plaster finish will?

oasis said:
doing a job were they have asked us to use limelite renovating plaster so the building can breathe?

still never usd this product before its only a small room. i take it we mix up layon backing coat just like normal hardwall? and then apply the limelite renovating plaster finishing coat just like mult? i guess we cant use multi as it does not let it breathe like the limelite renovating plaster finish will?


use multi if you like , it will breathe ok ,
Definately wear gloves. Don't use multi!
Speak to the Technical laydee at Tarmac. She's more than happy to advise.
Think she's called emma. ;-p
and just spoke to a damp man i use and he said this bag lime stuff is all crap and the loads of company do an injection and then think its ok to use this stuff. he said it would be worth at least doing a sand and cement scratch coat then top coat of this? does sand and cement let walls breathe?

the walls are not damp but its an old building
I'd use 3 or 4 and one s+c render using soveirgn w/proofer which has a salt neutraliser in it.
Then again Im an old dinosaur ;D
Why bother with limelight etc when s+c works and is cheaper?
Sovereign spec that their render addative still allows your walls to breathe when rendered

oasis said:
is dry coat a lime product suitable for damp conditions on single skin walls?

similar to limelight

RMK said:
Definately wear gloves. Don't use multi!
Speak to the Technical laydee at Tarmac. She's more than happy to advise.
Think she's called emma. ;-p

never had any probs using thistle or multi over lime light or dry coat , but nine times outa ten i prefer to use sand/cement
lucusi or what ever his name will tell u all about old buildings and breathing! he says we shoudl even use multi on lime plaster and use real lime finish as it stoped the buildign doing what its ment to do and breathe! but all in all im guessin that sand and cement does not let the building breathe?
There are a multitude off questions that need answering before any one can give you solid advice on here, an you will not get the right answer till all these have been answered , eg type off property, age ,substrate ,is outside rendered , will you be overskimming the whole wall when you have plastered the damp sections , and if your required to maintain "breath-ability" will they be decorating using breathable emulsions etc etc etc etc etc there are far too many contributing factors to give a SIMPLE answer to your question, which is basically what you asked for (a simple answer that is )

oasis said:
doing a job were they have asked us to use limelite renovating plaster so the building can breathe?

still never usd this product before its only a small room. i take it we mix up layon backing coat just like normal hardwall? and then apply the limelite renovating plaster finishing coat just like mult? i guess we cant use multi as it does not let it breathe like the limelite renovating plaster finish will?

i understand just wondering if i went with sand and cement that it woudl not breathe at all. anyhow ill let the customer decide
Mate I've used plenty of limelite renovating plaster on listed buildings.
Very nice to use, don't need to damp down walls, no cracking and ample time to go off so you can mix 2 bath loads at a time.
The reps at Tarmac suggest using 2 coats board finish.
Comes up a beauty, never had any come backs
oasis said:
and just spoke to a damp man i use and he said this bag lime stuff is all crap and the loads of company do an injection and then think its ok to use this stuff. he said it would be worth at least doing a sand and cement scratch coat then top coat of this? does sand and cement let walls breathe?

the walls are not damp but its an old building

The damp man lol

Its single skin and they have no damp issues?

Why is it being replastered and why is it back to brick?
Limelite and dry-coat are pretty much the same product its just the lime lite is made by tilcon or tarmac and they want you to use there finish, but i cant see a problem in using sand and cement as both limelite and dry-coat are cement based backing coats the only reason i use it as it dont shrink as much causing less cracking in a short space of time, but if you have a few weeks to let the sand and cement cure and shrink i would go with that.
Limelight then board finish like matt says .leave a couple of days before skimming all will be good.
The gear is about £30 a bag so its pricey stuff,make sure u charge accordingly !!!!
But if you dont know what to do why take the job on pal ???
skimmin2day said:
Limelight then board finish like matt says .leave a couple of days before skimming all will be good.
The gear is about £30 a bag so its pricey stuff,make sure u charge accordingly !!!!
But if you dont know what to do why take the job on pal ???

Coz thats what Oasis does hes mad for it :)
flynnyman said:
skimmin2day said:
Limelight then board finish like matt says .leave a couple of days before skimming all will be good.
The gear is about £30 a bag so its pricey stuff,make sure u charge accordingly !!!!
But if you dont know what to do why take the job on pal ???

Coz thats what Oasis does hes mad for it :)

you bitch.
not being bitchy!! sure He no's that.
But why would u take a job on if u dont no the crack??? personaly i wouldnt.
go with the spec given by damp contractor,if no spec than no work!!!!
skimmin2day said:
not being bitchy!! sure He no's that.
But why would u take a job on if u dont no the crack??? personaly i wouldnt.
go with the spec given by damp contractor,if no spec than no work!!!!

i mean flynny mate, i'm only havin the craic anyway
OK OK first off as far i can see its a simple sand and cement job, but customer said that they used bagged thistle lime plaster on rest of house and want to carry that on so the building can breath. cant see anysigns of damp.. all the plaster on the walls are blown so we will rip down lath ceiling and take it back to the bricks.. its rendered on the out side of the. i get asked 2 do loads of diffrent jobs, if I'm unsure i will get other people in and make money on it, I'm just a basic plasterer with plenty of get up and go passion and a business brain :-) so iv said i will quote the job no problem, just worried about the whole walls breathing thing? example i went to see a job 2 day with "the damp man" were a house at the bottom off the hill has a natural spring running directly threw the house! not my game no but it is the damp mans.. get him 2 do the skilled bits and cover with grantee in there name, plus at 10% of job profit to mwah than we get all the studding out or plastering and decoration side to do.. it pays to get into things you dont understand sometimes :-)
i guess the word damp on a job like this opens up to many options.. i guess we could use sand and cement or limelite and damp is a seprate issue to the job and needs dealing with seprate.
so no one is talking damp here just a matter of backing coat options .. what fits the job best, thanks for the tips on liemlite £30 a bag i fort it was £12-17!
oasis said:
i guess the word damp on a job like this opens up to many options.. i guess we could use sand and cement or limelite and damp is a seprate issue to the job and needs dealing with seprate.
so no one is talking damp here just a matter of backing coat options .. what fits the job best, thanks for the tips on liemlite £30 a bag i fort it was £12-17!

So your gonna pl,aster it then sort out the damp issue?

Is there a damp issue or not?
nooooooooooooooooooooooo lol just trying to use the allround best backing coat but if there IS damp it does not matter what coat i go 4 i guess as it will need 2 be delt with
i have just been told a few times taht baged lime palsteres are used loads on damp work but and no good for it reali and it should be S&C but thats another story :-)
oasis said:
nooooooooooooooooooooooo lol just trying to use the allround best backing coat but if there IS damp it does not matter what coat i go 4 i guess as it will need 2 be delt with

pretty sure limelight is not a substitute for Sand and cement with a waterproofer but more where the damp problem HAS been fixed and to stop the salts (efflorescence) coming through, so if there is a damp problem you need to fix it first :P
ok ok sooo why would we use lime lite on this building rather than hardwall? does limelite have better quality's than hardwall.. i alllways fort "old house" sand and cement but hey I'm young I'm learning ;-)