limelight renovating finish, can you pva before, out of date


New Member

i did the scratch coat on a treated damp chimney breast with limelight renovating plaster about a year ago. Due to circumstances out of my control i've not put the skim coat on yet. i'm assuming as its left for a long time it would normally need some pva to control the suction? can you do this with lime plaster that's meant to breathe or what else should i do? Also the limelight high impact finish i have is in an unopened bag but probably over a year out of date. it's been stored in a cool dry room. is it still usable do you think, will it just go off a bit quicker like gypsum plasters or totally unusable? it's quite expensive so woul;d be handy if i can use it but pointless if it's likely to crack or whatever.

any advie appreciated. thanks
Like Bobski says. Dampen. Use a spray bottle ideally. Something like one of the hozelock ones you can pump up to pressurise. Mist it repetitively until the water holds.
As for the material I've never personally used it when it's that old. I'd probably chance it on my own house tho.
hi thanks guys for the advice, will do with the water and i'll take a chance on the finish nothing to lose. thanks again!