lime plastering

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you know if a plaster has a glass eye he has got lime putty in it .it will burn right through. Thats where the old saying comes from if thats bad plastering it will bring tears to a glass eye
you know if a plaster has a glass eye he has got lime putty in it .it will burn right through. Thats where the old saying comes from if thats bad plastering it will bring tears to a glass eye

An old dog I worked with told me a story about some lads he worked with, one had a glass eye and the other two had squinty eyes. He reckoned it was torture talking to them cos he couldn't weigh up who was looking at who and one day when they were all stood together this rep pulled up in his car, jumped out with the cheesy grin, hand held out marching towards them. When he got up close he scanned all three of them, coughed, made an excuse to go back to his car, fired the engine up and burst into a fit of laughter as he shot off up the road.
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