lime lite

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New Member
have been using lime lite have been knocking it up like skimming but seems to be goin off in the bucket really quick ! am i knockin it up worng ? do i knock it up for longer ? any advice would be great thanks
its not out of date i checked today .i havent been remix after 10mins ??? is that what you are ment to do with it then ? i have never used it before
are u using limelite high impact?if so knock it up leave it standing for 5 mins then respin it-when its on the board it stiffens up real quick but softens up if you squish it a couple of times-wierd stuff-wait till its pulled right in before you trowel it or it goes all wet and blistery
Nath456 said:
have been using lime lite have been knocking it up like skimming but seems to be goin off in the bucket really quick ! am i knockin it up worng ? do i knock it up for longer ? any advice would be great thanks

lime lite finish or backing?
yer high impact lime lite, thanks for all your help wont be sweating my (french word) off today trying to bang set on before its goin off lol cheers
base coat can be knocked up as normal.
high impact finish needs to be knocked up to working consistency, then left for around 4 mins, then mix it back to working consistency.
if it goes stiff you can mix it back again (obviously don't do this too much).
let it pull in and give it two dry trowels... don't use any water!

hope this helps
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